skin problem...shedding?


New Member
Need help diagnosing hopefully minor problem. I have a ten month old veiled male that I've had for a few months. Eats and drinks very well. I think I'm giving him proper supplements and gut loading. Proper lighting. He had a small white crusty patch on the side of his face that seems to be spreading with the last two sheddings. I'm hopping this is just a shedding problem. It looks like you could pull it up at the edge and peel it off though I wouldn't dare try until I'm sure what it is. I'm new to chams. The pet shop I bought it from was underfeading it for approx. 3 months. 3 to 5 very small crickets. It did not look malnurished though. It now eats 8 to 10 large crickets dailey plus waxworms and whatever else I catch. Any help greatly appreciated. David
More than likely it is retained skin. DO NOT pull it off. Doing so will cause more harm than good. Give him a luke warm shower for 30 minutes daily until the shed completes.

Hope this helps.
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