Sluggish and swollen mouth


New Member
My Veiled chameleon has become sluggish and has not been eating much. He is semi shedding on his stomach. His mouth seems to be somewhat open and possibly swollen. I am taking him to the vet tomorrow I am just worried he will survive the night. Does anyone have any Idea on what is going on with my Veiled.
My Veiled chameleon has become sluggish and has not been eating much. He is semi shedding on his stomach. His mouth seems to be somewhat open and possibly swollen. I am taking him to the vet tomorrow I am just worried he will survive the night. Does anyone have any Idea on what is going on with my Veiled.

Sorry he is not well. Could you copy, paste and fill in above link please. It might be a good idea to print it off for vet . Do you have pics of your little one?
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