Small gnats flying around schleffera!


New Member
Are these things safe? I just bought this plant about 4 days ago, no cham yet, but I was setting up the cage for when I get him, and I noticed these little gnats flying around the plant.

Do I need to ditch the plant or repot the soil or can I just use dish soap to kill them?
these insects readily spawn in the rootzone of plants. when there is no life source around, they feed off plant roots. in dry climates they will follow the water of your plants run off like a thirsty human would a river.

these gnats are called fungus gnats, they are way faster than they look and damn near impossible to get rid of while the plant is around your cham

they are a main indoor pest of hydroponic gardens, and they will multiply like wildfire.

I use a specialized harmless product called gnatrol that works great, but if not you can use most pesticidal concentrates if you flush your plant zone as to not harm the plant.

A good solution if you have access is to take Mosquito dunks which are rings you buy at home improvement stores to leave in areas that collect water to keep mosquitos from spawning....take a few and crush them up and put them in a bucket of water....dip your plants in as directed.

you'll need to buy some pesticide concentrate and mix it up, then dip your root zoon in it. wait till the water runs off, dip it in fresh water to flush your roots. Repeat this process 2-3 a week over the next two weeks

do not let your chameleon near this plant for a couple weeks and keep your plant under close watch. Don't water it so much and if you see it again treat as nescesary.

these bugs are pretty much harmless to chameleons but annoying as hell none the less, plus you won't want to bring these into your home as they can easily spawn in sinks, trash cans, garbage disposals, toilets, anywhere really
The fungus gnats are harmless to the chameleon from what I've heard.

To get rid of them without using harmful pesticides, try setting out a jar of wine or cider vinegar to trap the gnats as they will be attracted to the smell, dive in for a drink and drown. DO NOT set this jar in the cage of don't want your chameleons to drink it.

You can buy glue boards that you can lay flat on a surface. (Fungus gnats are said to land on a surface that lies flat rather than one on an angle.)

Hope this helps!
Ive been battling these a lot also and have considered getting fake plants. Ive come to the conclusion that there is no getting rid of them completely until the plats are gone. Glue boards etc help keep the numbers down, but thats it.
you are incorrect, you can get rid of them quite easily, the only problem is, when you treat the rootzones, you do not kill the eggs, which is why you need to treat several times to make sure to kill the whole army.
So, just trying to understand this method more,

So if my chams cant use the plants they have for the two weeks...ill have to buy fake ones that they can climb on anyway during this time, if theyre real they'll spawn gnats.

Then to treat the real plants, mix misquito dunks(or any pesticide) in a bucket, dunk the plants, then rinse them?
correct, dunk the root zone and allow it to saturate, thats where the majority of the adult bugs will be living, breeding, and feeding, you can do this a few times if you want to be sure, i like to just so i don't waste my buckets of pesticides, but i also treat a lot of plants.

these bugs come from yards and bushes, so the best way to treat them is to do a 360 degree perimeter of your home and possibly even your neighbors bushes when they aren't looking with a pump applicator.

I rinse the plants thouroughly for their own sake and i rinse them extra thouroughly for the sake of my chameleons, and repeat every 3 days for 2 weeks.

you may always see a few, but i wouldn't bother treating unless you have a serious infestation and they are just coming out of everywhere, you'll know trust me...if you see multiple at once like say 3+ you have a problem but if you see 3 or less you are fine i'd say
I am just suprised to find any in my plant, I got the plant from a friend, it had no bugs before I moved it into my apartment. I even repotted it in normal soil, since hers had the little white balls in the soil.
I had a problem with these gnats for a while. By accident I found another bait they tend to like: lemonade or limeade. I was drinking some, got about half way through with my drink then left it over night near the cage. The next morning I found about half a dozen floating in the bottom. Luckily I was already done with the drink!

I never really got rid of them completely and occasionally I will still spot one buzzing about. Clyde was never bothered with guess is that they bother us more than the chams.
hey how bout introducing the fungus gnats predator?


"There are two that you can introduce that offer long term control. Specifically, Steinernema Feltiae and another one called Hypoaspis Miles(mite) which work well against many invertebrates including thrip and fungus gnat larvae. These critters actively search out the larvae as they are their main food source. They do not harm plants, animals or humans."


another one is using predator nematodes that are not your typical parasites.
or use vectoBac..
some actually use mantis (provided that your cham didn't eat them first :D)
Is your soil always moist? I've had gnat problems appear when using the plant soil to collect water from an above dripper.
hey how bout introducing the fungus gnats predator?


"There are two that you can introduce that offer long term control. Specifically, Steinernema Feltiae and another one called Hypoaspis Miles(mite) which work well against many invertebrates including thrip and fungus gnat larvae. These critters actively search out the larvae as they are their main food source. They do not harm plants, animals or humans."


another one is using predator nematodes that are not your typical parasites.
or use vectoBac..
some actually use mantis (provided that your cham didn't eat them first :D)

yea but you don't know what will come and prey on them, and etc its much easier to treat than to prevent more beneficials (Pests)
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