Small or Large???


New Member
My husband and I have a veiled chameleon that is almost 5 months old. We have been feeding him small crickets. When do we need to start feeding him larger crickets? He seems happy and satisfied with what we give him and he's growing and healthy, I was just wondering when we needed to change.
Maybe ease into it?

Okay, I'm spoiled, my reptile store offers "medium" crickets...

However, with the current situation, we have to adapt.

Maybe bring home a dollar's worth of "large" crickets and whatever you usually buy of the small...

See what happens.

One of my very small chameleons (he's a Fischer's...I wasn't told he was a dwarf when I bought him, but based on what I know now, I suspect he is...he's really little) loves the big bugs. He ignores crickets that are "sized appropriately" but happily snags things that seem to be almost 1/8 of his body size.

You never really know until it happens. You just sort of have to try.
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