Smeagol and Noogie


Avid Member
I have posted before about how much interest Smeagie has in Noogie.
As you can see in these pics, I have it set up so everyone can come and go as they please.
Smeagie loves to hang out on top of Noogies cage and just stare down at him for hours.
Noogie sees him and sometimes shows some curiosity, but mostly just ignors Smeagol.

Anyhow, today they where out of their cages roaming about. I wanted to see what would happen if they actualy met. I always thought 2 males of different species would mostly avoid each other (maybe a minor "hiss" or small show of "who's the boss around here").
I know if they were same species, they may fight, even w/o the presence of a female.

Anyway, Smeagie displayed full color and mating dance to Noogie, and suddenly mounted him and started going at it!! :eek: :eek:

I was afraid Smeagie would hurt Noogie (or at least tramatize him for life :rolleyes: ) so I seperated them (not an easy task) and put Noogie back in his cage.

A few minutes later, Smeagol is on top of Noogie's cage again and franticly trying to claw is way in, and Noogie was right on the other side of the screen, upside down, with his body pressed againts the screen!! :D

So, should I have seperated them, or let them be with each other as long as their is no violent aggression? (yeah, I know how weird this all sounds!!)
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Wow there is certainly a lot going on in that room!

LOL!! 4 chams and 1, 4 year old Mex Red Knee tarantula (Kiwi) :D
She never moves from my kitchen table.

I dont get many visitors, and those who do tend to watch where they sit and seem curiously uncomfortable :eek:
I found out they know how to get where they want to go, but they dont know the concept of going back home! :p

I always have to "escort" them home, or they will run out of thermal energy and sit helpless up there on the ladder :rolleyes:

So, no one is brave enough to comment about Smeagol and Noogie's odd behaviour with each other ? ;)
Can you tell me how you made that dripper?

It's a Gatorade bottle with 1/4'' tygon tubing, a 2 way stopcock (for 2 cages), a plastic 1/4 bulkhead is epoxyed to the bottle after drilling
a hole in it.
Then I cut some 5ml plastic transfer pipetts in half and insert the tip end into the outlet of the tube, which is the dripper part.

All stuff u can get on, but the 2way stopcock is expensive as it is solid Teflon
they are just attracted to another type of chameleon becuz they have never seen one of them before! haha or they know that they are both boys and just want to have fun!!!:D:p

nice setup by the way. love the free range!
they are just attracted to another type of chameleon becuz they have never seen one of them before! haha or they know that they are both boys and just want to have fun!!!:D:p

nice setup by the way. love the free range!

Thanks :)

I think both your explainations are correct :eek: :D
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