
sorry i mean does the viv smell like would you be able to smell it when you walked into the room its kept in:confused:
should be no odor, maybe the soil or ammonia from the plants? like gesang mentioned just make sure to clean the poop everyday or every other day.
I keep 7 Chams in my Chameleon room... Nothing in there but Cham Cages and a Computer Desk. It is alwyas one of the first things say when they walk in "It doesn't smell in here like most palces with Reptiles." Well... IMO if any reptile enclosure stinks...It is not being maintained properly. I am sure it could stink if you let it go, a soppy poopy mess. I have seen it.
even fresh poop should not be as smelly as you think (unlike dog's).
If your chameleons' poop stinks, some fecal test by the vet need to be done.
All my chams poops smell like flowers!:D
hmmm.. how interesting. what kind of chameleon is this? :D :D

Parcifal Florabunda. Only farmraised are available these days. The shipments usually come in about mid-January. Check with Elwood down in California. :D:D:D

On a serious note. If you get close enough to the poo- and I mean close- it smells. But from a polite distance, it does not. Unless you're talking about Melleri poo. That smells.
Yeah, if there is a smell, you need to be maintaining your enclosures better. No, they definitely shouldn't smell. Why, does yours?
As Jann mentioned, crickets can really stink. Is that it?
hi thank you all for your advice i havent got a chameleon yet i just wanted to make sure it wont smell the house out:D
HAHA, Glad your chams poop smells like flowers!!!,why are you smelling the poop is what i want to know!!! L.O.L only jokeing !! my last yemans male used to smell sort of weird, his enclosure was very well maintained and clean as i am pretty particular on this sort of thing with regards to my reps, and he smelt a bit but not nasty just weird i live in the u.k so the viv was part wood with some screen to keep the heat in so perhaps its because i couldnt keep him in a totaly ventilated viv..cant explain but not enough to make a room smell!!
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