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Who here buys bulk crickets? In keeping them, how bad is the smell?

I have the same question about roaches. I was thinking on getting some dubia and keeping them, do they smell? Relative to crickets, how much do they smell?

Switching to Dubias from crickets right now because of the smell. Still have to get my colony going, but started off with 200 mixed so we'll see how long it takes. I think roaches are a little creepier so far, but just never worked with them before. However, the fact I can breed my own staple feeder and that they won't stink up the place lets me think I can move past the "roach factor".
I buy about 5000 crickets a week to 10 days. If they are in their bin longer then a week I have to take them outside and change bins so I can clean the dirty one. If you can use up 1000/week it is definitely cheaper to buy the box of crickets. I tried dubia but my chammys didn't like them.

If you keep them in a well ventilated area and use a big Rubbermaid bin with at least 2 egg crates, they aren't bad.
I suggest dubias. My little Pan loves them, but I don't want to feed heavily from my colony just yet. I suggest 85-90 females and 10-15 males to start off with. It's a bit pricey, but they breed really quick. The more adults you have, the faster your colony starts. I bought 100 mixed a couple months ago, it got nowhere after two months... I had like thirty babies. I added about 50 females and BAM! Hundreds of babies.

If you really want to stick with crickets, I find mine don't die at all when they have lots of room and lots of fresh veggies, however I only buy a hundred or two at a time.
I buy 1000 every month (one mouth to feed), and I find them to be super stinky. I have to change the bin every other week at the most otherwise it will smell so so bad. When you have a bunch they are horrible smelling.
I will be getting a colony of roaches sometime this winter or summer because I like the idea of not having to have to buy stinky crickets anymore.

They stink bad.
I get 500 every week or 2 and I never smell them at all... I keep them in a plastic 10 gallon container filled with egg cartons with a screen top. I gutload and water them every other day. I treat them like any other pet, I wouldnt wanna feed my cham some stinky cricket... What I'm tryin to say is they dont stink at all if you clean the cage a tiny bit, for like 30 seconds every 2 days.
I get 500 every week or 2 and I never smell them at all... I keep them in a plastic 10 gallon container filled with egg cartons with a screen top. I gutload and water them every other day. I treat them like any other pet, I wouldnt wanna feed my cham some stinky cricket... What I'm tryin to say is they dont stink at all if you clean the cage a tiny bit, for like 30 seconds every 2 days.

I wish more people realised what you are saying...
my crickets also don't stink at all for the same reasons although I use glass tanks, but the same size and the same way you do it.
I keep them clean. it takes 15 secs a day to scoop up the poop on the bottom. I do this 2 times a week, or so. no stink.
I gutload with mostly greens and fruits/vegies, no true water...once or twice a day, so nothing ever gets old. no stink.

I have about 250-500 crickets in there at any given moment. no stink.

poop on the bottom for two weeks and 4 or 5 day old food = STINK
when will people ever learn? (no offence to anyone)

crickets smell and that smell kills them. I keep mine in a keeper that has a fan and a 'stink rod' that obsors the smell. You can buy them from Rainbow Mealworm and most likely other places... I just don't know of any.

My superworms smell more than my crickets... YA just gotta make sure to clean up any that die as soon as you can, those are the real stinkers/killers.
I am seriously considering getting into these little critters when I get my cham. I already have crickets on hand (about 100 at any given time, so not too many), so the addition of dubia should be a good one when I get my cham.

Roaches rule; although they are expensive to get started.

They are a larger food unit. Maybe one or two per feeding

Crickets are cheap, dirty, smelly. Mel loves them, I hate them. Takes maybe 6 - 10 per feeding.
It depends on the size. If he gets a small cham and he feeds it small roaches then he has to feed more than one or two. Try to feed about the equivalent of the crickets you'd feed. Or if you have a scale, you can try measuring out the food. I just kind of eye it and guess.
I've been doing the cricket thing for 2 months now and I HATE them! They stink, they stink oh did I mention they stink! LOL I ordered roaches and cannot wait til they get here :D
Only two months?? I've been dealing with them for something like 9 years and had no idea that you could breed cockroaches to feed animals. Of course I was really young when I got into this stuff and only fed my lizards what the books I read had said... My mom wasn't too fond of my hobby and only bought what I asked for.

Did they even have a lot of feeder roaches back then?
I've been adding a sprig of Rosemary or Thyme in the cricket bin with a 1000 in it and it smells great.
I get 1000 crickets every other week and they never smell. I keep them in a 10 gallon tank with screen top. I clean it every other week, when i get another box of them. I have a hard time keeping them alive though. i give gutload and those blue water crystals and at least 60% are dead in a week.

I tried roaches but nothing that I keep will eat them and they really creep me out. What if they get loose in the house? People say they are tropical and won't survive, but why wouldn't they live in the walls of a heated house?
Another thing, I don't know if it was due to poor conditions that the roaches were in, but they had an odor that was not very pleasant.

Thom O
The reason they wouldn't survive is because they prefere Forrest floors as opposed to a home and they'd try to get out. They don't like houses.
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