smelly chameleon cage


New Member
My chameleon cage is getting really smelly. There is a fake plant and a real plant. How do I clean it out???
I clean my cage with a spray called Healthy Habitat. It's not too expensive you can find it with ease online. I have been using it for around a year and it removes the odors and is safe for my cham! If you have a lot of fecal deposits or dead bugs in the soil of your live plants that might be contributing to the smell as well, however they should decompose into the soil.
Foul smells are typically related to the feces, and usually is a sign of parasites.... I would strongly suggest getting a fecal done.
Rot and mold growing in overwatered plant potting soil and dead feeders the cham has missed add to the smell. Your cage shouldn't smell really. You should be picking poop out of the cage at least once a week if not more. If your cham tends to poop while perched in a plant the fecal matter can build up on the soil surface where it will decompose. If you notice the smell just occasionally and then find a really fresh poop definitely check for parasites.
Chameleon Info:
Your Chameleon - Veiled, male, 5 months. I have had him for about 2 months.
Handling - I handle him about once every other day.
Feeding - I feed him 7-8 crickets a day.
Watering - I mist him with warm water about 3-4 times a day. I have a dipper and I see him drink sometimes.
Fecal Description - Never been tested for parasites.

Cage Info:
Cage Type - Screen cage all around. 3 feet tall.
Lighting - I have an elevated heat light and another light, not sure what kind.
Temperature - Guessing about room temp.
Humidity - 50-70 humidity. (100-very humid, 1-very dry)
Plants - 1 real umbrella plant, 1 fake vine, 1 fake stick.
Placement - In my small bedroom with no vents.
Location - In Washington State.
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