so the dummy is back...


Avid Member
so the dummy is back online as of an hour ago.
yet he left the house to get something to eat and forgot to close my cage.
before he goes ahead and starts posting a bunch of photos, I thought I would put up a photo of me first.

clearly, I'm the king of this house. don't you agree?


for all my future sweethearts,
thanks guys for the kind words about Quadzilla.

this was the latest photo of him...and maybe the best I have of him.
I'll post a few more shortly of him when I first got him.
you'll see that he had a lot of nicks/cuts on him, and his knees were badly brused.
thankfully they are all clearling up nicely and he looks so much better.

OMG!!! you guys have it soooooooo good! Anyone want to trade their quad for a limb or two? an organ maybe? :D
'Go to America and own Quads' (and every other exotic) is at the top of my bucket list!
Congrats Harry, Im putting Quadzilla on my desktop till I can stand it no more and im out of drool!

OMG!!! you guys have it soooooooo good! Anyone want to trade their quad for a limb or two? an organ maybe? :D
'Go to America and own Quads' (and every other exotic) is at the top of my bucket list!
Congrats Harry, Im putting Quadzilla on my desktop till I can stand it no more and im out of drool!


You want to visit I will get you a quad - but then getting it home is up to you.:(
But we would all love to meet you.
You want to visit I will get you a quad - but then getting it home is up to you.:(
But we would all love to meet you.

he can stuff it down his pants. unless they do the advanced check by great falls know, they pat you down and touch your johnson. :eek:

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