Soldier fly larvae, take 1!!


Avid Member
Ok, so my cute little soldier fly larvae are quickly turning to flies, and I'm currently in my first attempt to mate and pupate. I've read some about it, but kinda going rogue in my first attempt. Kinda curious to see what happens.....
How do you get them to pupate? I've grown them up huge,but I never get flies
I keep getting flies in my original worm cup, so I've transferred one fly and one that's about to turn to a seperate cricket keeper with a couple strawberries from my garden and a couple pieces of wet cat food. My worms keep turning to flies so I'm seeing if I can "control" them somehow.... Chloe loves the worms and flies, so I'm hoping to get more worms....
mine won't touch the larvae,but when one escapes and turns into a fly they go crazy for it
So funny how different chams can be. My female veiled will eat the worms from my hand anytime. I've set a couple of the flies lose in her cage and she gets those as soon as she sees them. Of course, she'll eat just about anything lol
She you stop feeding them and let them dry out a tad they turn in to flies quickly! I put mine in barely moist coconut fiber substrate and they soon become flies!
That's what I've done. I've kept them all in the original cup and everyday when I open it now I have a fly. I'm just experimenting now, but I've noticed I have several tiny worms in my original cup now. Not sure if those are from the flies or what? Maybe I should keep the flies in the same cup?
That's what I've done. I've kept them allin the original cup and everyday when I open it now I have a fly. I'm just experimenting now, but I've noticed I have several tiny worms in my original cup now. Not sure if those are from the flies or what? Maybe I should keep the flies in the same cup?
If you put them in a kritter keeper(with muslin between the cage and lid)with whole grain bread and baby food you can grow the larva really big,bigger them big waxworms. But it smells awful
does it matter it they are black or cream?
The worms or the larvae that becomes black and still? More experienced members I hope will share their experience. From what I have and seen so far, they turn black and don't really move, then those turn to flies?
If you put them in a kritter keeper(with muslin between the cage and lid)with whole grain bread and baby food you can grow the larva really big,bigger them big waxworms. But it smells awful
Thank you! I'm gonna try that. I've noticed this original cup now has a smell to it
I'm trying to psych myself up to order some dubias because I think Chloe would love them. I got a couple tiny beetles in with my crickets this last time and she happily crunched on those real quick!
My male panther ate a few, but most of them escaped the dish from humidity. So I'm trying to pupate them too. I got 7 flies today. He ate them.
My male panther ate a few, but most of them escaped the dish from humidity. So I'm trying to pupate them too. I got 7 flies today. He ate them.
Oh yeah, my veiled will snatch up the flies as soon as she sees them. She loves the worms too tho. Id love to get more worms and then throw the flies in there for her
I know what happens. It starts to smell like a compost heap, so you put it out side after then pupate. Then a raccoon comes along and eats through the mesh top. Then you come back only to find they all flew the coop...

Not that is is from personal experience or anything :p
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