Some opinions, please?


New Member
I am confused on what to do. I have my first chameleon, a female jacksons chameleon. I do not breed, I just am going to use it simply as a pet. I first bought her since she was the cheapest, but now I kinda think I should have gotten a male (which most people do). I have had her for 6 months. I can tell if a male is stressed or not, because of their coloring. Females are just always a more duller color so I cannot tell. I have also noticed that females are more temperamental, and can also "give infertile birth" (like laying infertile eggs like veiled chameleons do,but they are live bearers). I really like my chameleon but I think it would be easier and a little more interesting If I have a male since I can easily tell their color and they have horns:) However, I only have the money, resources, space, etc to house 1 chameleon. I would certainly give her to a great home and check the house out before I let her go IF, and a very big IF I decide to do this. I of course know how to take care of these animals, I just think a male would be easier and more fun. Please do not be too harsh and give me your opinions. Have a nice day.
There isn't anything wrong with trading reptiles and other animals. I've traded my fair share of animals and if it is something you really want to do then go for it! :D
I am new to this forum. I don't have a chameleon yet. However, I am buying a male only, for the same reason (egg laying/egg bound, etc) that you are having second thoughts about with your female. I understand you love your Cham, but if you are uncomfortable with her and really would rather have a male, then that's what I think you should do. If you don't enjoy a pet for what ever reason, some people will loose interest and not take the best care possible of it. Not on purpose, just happens. Just my opinion. Good luck deciding.
you obviously havent formed much bond / care for her, if you're willing to consider swapping her for something else. So why not? There is nothing wrong with it, so long as you ensure she is going to be well cared for. Indeed, if you are not entirely taken with her, or are wary of being able to care properly for her, it might very well be in her best interest for her to be cared for by someone who really really wants a female. there is no guarantee any male you get will have a temperment you prefer, but you wont have to deal with slugs (not that its a big deal) and any other concerns you have about females.
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