Some Oustalets

Canopy Chameleons

Established Member
Picked up these guys recently, I couldn't pass them up. Here's some pictures.

The female:




The male:


OH! They are beautiful! I love my male and my female gets here Tuesday! Thanks for sharing. They are so mellow. Please keep us updated!
Thanks, I'm really taken with these guys. Their temperament is good, they're a bit on the shy side, but they're really docile for the most part. Couldn't be happier with them.
Yeah, thanks Mike! I'm glad someone verified that for me. That's what I figured and she's very very plump. She's only been in Captivity for two weeks too... we'll see what happens. I've looked around quite a bit, but can't seem to find breeding and incubation information on them. Do you have any tips for me? It would be more than appreciated. I want this to go smoothly for the female, and hopefully have some more CH Oustalet's here in Canada.
No problem.

Just incubate them like you would a Panther. Everything's pretty much the same. Look for her crawling around the bottom of the cage and put her in a laying bucket if that's what you use.

Here's a pic of a non gravid female


By the way Juli. Here's your new chameleon!
Puritania, those are some fantastic looking wild caughts! Remember that Oustalet's often carry lots of parasites, particulary the nematodes that can migrate under the skin. In my experience the Oustalet's have always responded well to deworming and are then easy to establish, and are a great species to keep. That is, if you can afford to feed them :D I'm sure you've probably noticed they have quite large appetites, even for their size?

I'm curious about that really dark marking around her neck and back of the head. Is that actually her coloration or something on her?

Julie, Congrats on getting Oscar a girlie. She's very pretty and looks great. What else are you getting next? ;)
Thanks for the advice Mike and Kent. It's very appreciated. The black on her is her coloration. I'm guessing it was from the stress of transport, cause it's slowly going away. I'm not 100% sure though. I'm treating the male this weekend, but with the female, should I wait until she's laid her eggs to treat her? Or is it safe to treat her now? But don't worry, these ones will be well adjusted in a matter of no time. They're already doing fantastic, now just to keep up with their appetites. I've been feeding them less for now, and slowly upping their food by the day. Fingers crossed for this girl!

Julie.. that female looks amazing. You're very lucky!

Thanks for the comments guys!
I don't suppose you got any locality data with them, did you? Oustalet's is a very wide-ranging species that occurs in a variety of habitats, but in my experience gravid females usually lay in the 24-32 days range. She looks so good now that what I would do is give her all the food and water she will eat and wait to deworm until after she has laid. Water and nutrition were probably less than adequate during capture and import so I'd focus on that first.

Intesting about the black pattern around her neck. I'll be interested to see if it stays or not. Looking again, it's clear the markings are not a smudge or anything. Duh. :)
Yeah, she appears nice and healthy, so waiting would be a good idea. She's got a nice big bucket in there to dig in, so we'll see how she does with it. She's got a huge appetite though, So I'm guessing she's not quite ready to lay, but I'll give her ample food, water, and space, and see how she does. Unfortuntately, I didn't get any information with her, I can ask the guy that brought them in though, He brought in quite a few, I think 6 or so, so maybe he's got the info.

I'll be taking a picture once a week of her though, to see how she progresses, and to see if that black marking goes or not. I'm thinking it will, cause most of her head was black originally. Thanks again, I've never kept these guys before, but who doesn't love a challenge?! :D
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