someone help me about the color moods


New Member
could anyone list the color and the mood that gose with a Veiled Chameleon, Male and female. my friends male cham changed a darkish green with a hint of brown on his head im sure its nothing but we just like to know.

please anyone list the color moods!!!
There really isn't a color mood chart for chameleons. It depends on the chameleon and their lineage. But in general they get dark when they are basking. They get bright when they see another chameleon. The most important thing to know is if you cham is sleeping in the day then something is wrong. Colors change, even as they age their colors will change. Hope this helps a little.

Veileds have resting colors and may change their pattern and color to different stresses in their lives. If there is something they are unfamiliar with it or you take them out of their "territory" may make them change colors and patterns to some extent. For instance, if you take one outside, it will likely react by changing its color and pattern somewhat. They are being on guard for whatever could happen to them.

One male running into another male will result in the colors becoming bright and the body flattening. The tail may coil in and out, one hand will often be held close to the chin, the gular pouch (under the chin) will inflate, the chameleon will likely hiss and gape. If the other male doesn't give way then there will likely be a confrontation.

If a male meets a female he will brighten his colors, flatten his body and approach her head bobbing. If she reacts appropriately he will mate with her.

A female that is receptive to the male will keep her body thin, likely hug the branch, raise her bum up slightly and slowly walk away from the male while keeping her green background color.

If the female is gravid/non-receptive, she will turn almost jet black in the background, hiss, gape, sway back and forth...and if the male doesn't pay attention to these warnings, she will lunge at him.

Hope this helps!
You'll really just have to get to know your chameleon as they all display differently. They will have different colors for almost everything. One of my male veileds will have all his bars bright yellow and his tail straight out when he's hunting and another one of my males will go completely light brown when he's hunting. Just keep observing him and you'll figure out what he's doing or how he's feeling. Good luck. David
A Gravid female veiled is one of the best looking chams I've ever seen. I wish they would stay that way!! She's a beauty
It depends on where you look it up...carrying eggs OR full of eggs OR arrying fertilized eggs or young OR pregnant.
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