Someone help with sexing this Panther Plz..

Baby Lobie

New Member
I need help on sexing my little 6 week old baby Panther.. Please comment your opinions, I would really really appreciate it! I had another thread about this.. 2 ppl voted female, 1 voted male.. i am clueless. thanks in advance guys! 2012-10-02 14.21.40.jpg

2012-10-02 14.20.26.jpg
LOL... this is hillarious! this has been the debate since the second i bought him.. someone says male.. then someone says female.. then someone else says male.. etc. its kinda funny. especially because all the other threads ive read usually have one answer being either male or female by everyone. lol... c'mon guys give me more answers and i'll see what gender gets the highest votes! lol..
I see a bulge... :confused:
i thought i saw one too! but its so difficult to get him/her standing still and he/she is so small that i dont even know if my mind is playing tricks on me! sometimes i see it.. sometimes i dont.. lol. will this "bulge" become more noticeable as he/she gets older? how about colors? do you think these colors look female or male? like i said.. its only about 6 weeks old.. and this is mainly the color being displayed..
What did you buy it as? Will you be happy or content regardless?
Well... i bought it as a 75% chance male.. and i really wanted it to be male at first because of the pretty colors that i wanna see.. but.. i kinda really like the little fella... so i would be happy whether its a little dude or a baby girl.
ok do you guys think, other than the buldge that some of u see and some of you dont, that the colors look more female or male?

1st- great answer on accepting he/she no matter the outcome!

2nd- might be a lil early yet on the colors. @ 6wks of age, I don't think you'll have a really good indicator.

Btw, who sold you a 6wk old Cham? Private, local breeder?
1st- great answer on accepting he/she no matter the outcome!

2nd- might be a lil early yet on the colors. @ 6wks of age, I don't think you'll have a really good indicator.

Btw, who sold you a 6wk old Cham? Private, local breeder?
I know he's very young.. I went to the reptile show this weekend and it was one of the breeders there.. and about the gender, you know i figure, i have 4 kids that are all girls! so if its a girl, she would be another one of my little girls.. nothn wrong with that! and if its a boy, he'd just take his Daddy's crown.. lol. its a good thing both ways. :)
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