I took my veiled chameleon out of his cage today and noticed something hard and black stuck in his vent. My husband and I just got back from our honeymoon. We were gone for a week while my husbands parents watched our chameleons. I asked them about the mass and they said that Kaiju (my veiled) hid in his plant most of the week so they didn't see much of him to notice if anything was wrong but they put crickets and super worms in his cage so he had food. When I first looked at his vent there's a big brownish black mass hanging from possibly an internal organ and there was a black spot right below his vent where his bulge is located. I soaked Kaiju in warm water to see if it would loosen the object stuck in his vent and when I gently pulled on the black mass the black spot where his bulge is popped like a big black head. I really don't know what to do and my vet is gone until Wednesday. There's an open wound where the black spot on his bulge was and I don't know how to tend to it. Advice please?