Something's wrong


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Chameleon Info:
  • Your Chameleon - Veiled chameleon , female, almost 7 months old. I've had her for 4 months.
  • Handling - 1-3 days a week
  • Feeding - 4-6 dusted crickets in the morning, available meal worms all day.
  • Supplements - Zoo Med's Reptivite dusted crickets every other day
  • Watering - Automatic mister goes off for 12 seconds every hour.
  • Fecal Description - normal brown with white urate
  • History - From a breeder

Cage Info:
  • Cage Type - Large reptibreeze cage, screen all the way around.
  • Lighting - large heat/UVB dome lamp. Also on an automatic timer that comes on at 7:30am and off at 7:30pm
  • Temperature - 85-90 degree basking spot, 70-75 through the day
  • Humidity - accurate
  • Plants - potted Umbrella plant, basking branch and fake foliage.
  • Placement - on a stand in my bedroom by a window
  • Location - San Diego, California

Current Problem - For the past few days, she hasn't been eating crickets like she notmally does and I've been cup feeding her meal worms. 2days ago she started shedding but still ate from a cup. Last night I saw that she fell asleep hanging upside down which she's never done before. All day today she's been hanging around the bottom of her cage. I haven't seen any signs of being gravid but thought I should put a laying bin in just in case. When I got home, she was having trouble climbing up. So I took her out and she just sort of layer there. Normally she tries running away. I'm keeping an eye on her but no idea what exactly is wrong. Any ideas??

I added pictures
1. Last night sleeping
2. This morning hanging upside down again
3. Not running away
4. Doesn't look gravid
5. Still hanging upside down??


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What do you dust your crickets with? Not sure if its just the picture but I think I may slightly see MBD in her legs
There's definitely MBD there. Are you dusting with Calcium without D3 at every feeding? When was the uvb bulb last replaced?
What do you dust your crickets with? Not sure if its just the picture but I think I may slightly see MBD in her legs
As I mentioned above, I use Zoo Med's Reptivite that does not have
There's definitely MBD there. Are you dusting with Calcium without D3 at every feeding? When was the uvb bulb last replaced?
As I mentioned above, I use Zoo Med's Reptivite that does not have D3. But lately hasn't been eating them. A while back she had an episode of what I thought were early signs of MBD and took her to the vet right away. The vet said she didn't have it but gave me calcium drops that I started giving to her again since she hasn't been eating crickets. As for the UV bulb, the person who gave me the set up said it was a new bulb. I'm super scared that she does have MBD though because when I got home just now she was sleeping in the laying bin not looking good at all. I woke her up while taking the picture and she tried to move but looks like she has no control of her legs I will see if the vet can see her tomorrow.


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Reptivite is a multivitamin to my knowledge and not a Calcium supplement. Yes, your chameleon has MBD! I would get her out in the sun as much as possible for natural UVB. That is better than any artificial light. How long have you been giving the drops and how much? Are you positive the light you are using in the cage is indeed a UVB light? You must be positive and I would change it out anyways even if it is, so you know you are starting with one that is new and strong. She definitely has MBD and if she does have eggs, that could be a big problem because they might not be formed enough for her to lay. I would have the vet do xrays to make sure she is not carrying eggs. If not, then you can address the treatment for the MBD. The vet can give her calcium injections for starters. Read the MBD thread in the health clinic on MBD so you can get an education on what you are dealing with.
I agree with carol5208,besides what she said,the extra suggestion for u is dust ur feeders in every feeding with calcium without D3,and calcium with D3 twice of month,good luck with ur cham.
P.S try some other feeder like silkworm,dubia beside the mealworm,its much better for ur cham.
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