SON OF A!!! mistking power adapter broke. need help asap!

  • Thread starter ChameleonsInMyHouse
  • Start date


so the power wire in the white plug part that hooks into the adjacent hook up in the pump, ripped out. the plug cannot come apart so i have no idea how the hell to re-wire this. looks like i need a new adapter. is there ANY place (home depot, lowes) that sells power adapters like that? and if so, what exactly is this type called? im so pissed cause mistking is closed until the 18th CANNOT wait :(
I'd try a radio shack or something of the such you could splice them together like I did on my DIY m


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Cut and strip the wires, strip them about a half inch down. Twist them together(red to red black to black), as tight as you can without breaking them. Use black tape to cover, or preferably wirenuts and then black tape. Should take all of 30 seconds ;)
Cut and strip the wires, strip them about a half inch down. Twist them together(red to red black to black), as tight as you can without breaking them. Use black tape to cover, or preferably wirenuts and then black tape. Should take all of 30 seconds ;)


if it isn't insulated properly it could cause problems! you may be able to find another connector though and reattach it. Look on the white connector for a tiny part number and head to digikey. I'm thinkin they look molex if i remember properly... though splicing would be easier.
I re-read the OP. So to be clear... did the wire pull out of the metal pin, or did the entire metal pin and wire part pull out of the plastic connector?

If this is what happened, or what it looks like...


Then all you need to do is bend up the little blade on the side of the pin and slide the pin back into the hole of the connector. The pin bent out farther will keep it inside of the connector.


If the wire pulled out of the metal pin.... you can remove the pin from the connector, strip back a little be of wire and then solder the wire to the pin. If you have never soldered wires before..... be sure you use flux so the slder sticks well and be sure not to use too much wire or solder or the pin/wire might not fit into the connector again.

Just remember, if you strip or cut the wires coming from the pump, you are more or less permanently going to have to solder the wires to the power supply, unless you have the special crimper for these types of pins.
summoner, the entire wire ripped out of the socket, not just the pin. :( thats why i had to do it the other way.
the plig is called a tamiya plug and is used primarly in rc, any rc shop could set u up with new plugs
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