Sow/Pill bugs in the UK?

Miss Lily

Chameleon Enthusiast
Does anyone in the UK feed their cham sow bugs (think that they may be known as woodlice over here), or pill bugs? I am interested whether you can buy a colony or start your own with some from the garden. I've not heard of anyone using them over here so I thought I'd ask!
Thanks Sandra, in what way are they a valuable food item? Do they have high levels of calcium? I'll check out that link too!

Wow! So much info in that link! I'm on holiday next week, so maybe I'll use the time to hunt for isopods and start a colony! I like pill bugs though - I find them fascinating and cute. Hopefully I won't feel too bad at feeding them to Lily! If I was to gather some to feed her, how long do they need to be captive before I can feed them safely?
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Yes, valuable due to high calcium content, and more importantly for an easy way to offer variety to your chameleon.

Dont make a habit of feeding off the wild caught ones, no matter how long you have kept them. Use their offspring. Especially if you live in a city/industrial area
Terrestrial Isopods tolerate heavy metals in the soil/food they eat by accumulating and "walling off" these metals in certain vesicles. They carry these around for their lifetime. So you cant clear it.
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Yes, valuable due to high calcium content, and more importantly for an easy way to offer variety to your chameleon.

Dont make a habit of feeding off the wild caught ones, no matter how long you have kept them. Use their offspring.
Terrestrial Isopods tolerate heavy metals in the soil/food they eat by accumulating and "walling off" these metals in certain vesicles. They carry these around for their lifetime. So you cant clear it.

OK Thanks! I won't be giving Lily any from the garden then, just to be on the safe side!
One wont hurt, if you want to see if your chameleon likes them before going to the trouble of raising them.

I can pretty much guarantee pill bugs / wood lice will be well liked. My LOVE :D them. Havent found a chameleon yet that has disliked them.
i use pill bugs in my hermit crab tank as cleaner bugs. They eat mold and crab poop and help to keep the tank clean, there by decreasing the need for totally disturbing the tank to do a deep clean. i never thought of them as a food source for something else? i'll have to go bug hunting again! Funny thing is... i have 4 sons! not a single one of them will has any interest in helping me find bugs.... but the little girl next door has a new bug collecting kit and would be glad to help.
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