Speaking of mantids...


Established Member
...this hatched five days ago, all three eggs cases at once! They are chinese mantids that I got from Kara, and I'll release them out in the yard next weekend. :)


lil itty bitty things. You are going to release them into the yard?? not feed them to the chams? Is that to help controll garden pests?
just curious
lil itty bitty things. You are going to release them into the yard?? not feed them to the chams? Is that to help controll garden pests?
just curious

I do save some for snacks to the chameleons, but for the most part I use them to control the grasshoppers out of my berries patches. Later in the season I buy ladybugs and released them around my rose, mint, oregano, tomato, and cypress trees to keep the little bugs down.
Very cool. thanks for the reply. I have not gotten into mantids yet but I think my local greenhouse is supposed to get some in, so I will porb check em out
maybe this is just the local mantis in New Mexico but don't the females eat off the males head after mating?
I do save some for snacks to the chameleons, but for the most part I use them to control the grasshoppers out of my berries patches. Later in the season I buy ladybugs and released them around my rose, mint, oregano, tomato, and cypress trees to keep the little bugs down.

Mantids will usually just eat each other and your ladybugs. Not very good for biocontrol. Green methods.com has awesome info on all sorts of beneficial organisms:D
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