specific yet random cage question...


New Member
so, my little Veiled Cass is 4 months old now and is quite handsome, i must say (enter proud parent smirk here :D ). while the small cage he is in now is adequate for him, that wont be the case in a few months, and since i believe in planning ahead, i want to ask a simple question:

if money wasnt really the issue, what cage would you buy for your single chameleon?

what i am looking for is mfg produced, portable and thats about it. building one isnt practical, nor is converting one room over to a free-range enclosure either. is there a cage out there that some of you have seen in a catalog or on website that you thought to yourself, "ooooh, thats the one i'd get?"

i am currently hand misting, but fully plan on going to a mistking when i finally move Cass to his new larger enclosure.

thanks guys...
If I could have AAAANYTHING I wanted, I'd love to have something like this outside: http://www.bigappleherp.com/Reptile-Zoo-House to keep my chameleons outside almost year round. I can picture it really well planted with a good misting system, it would be awesome.

Although for inside, perhaps something like this: http://www.cagesbydesign.com/p-172-hybrid-reptile-cages-60h-x-60l-x-36d-h3.aspx Not necessarily that style but something huge like that. I personally love having my chameleons in large cages (it's like having a slice of indoor garden). I I prefer to build my own over paying over a grand for one of these right now. Perhaps some day I will buy/commission a cage that truly looks like furniture to keep in the living room or something like that.
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