Specs seems to be going downhill... please help :(


Sorry, this is going to be a little long because I wanted to get as much detail in as possible since im currently unable to get to a vet for the time being. Please help my little guy, hes my first cham. :(

Current Problem - For the past month and a half or so, Ive noticed that Specs has been getting a lot... lazier, it seems. And slower, and clumsier. He used to hiss and gape when I tried to get him out of his cage, now he hardly tries to put up a fuss at all. He falls off of his branches occasionally and I try to help him up. He doesnt do that funny little back-and-fourth walk chameleons do when they walk on branches anymore. He sometimes grabs his legs and doesnt let go. When im holding him, I always feel like hes going to fall or topple over, and I always have to have a hand under him to catch him in case he falls because its happened before. He just seems really clumsy when he walks. When hes in his cage, I sometimes see him clinging onto a branch with his his front legs and his back are just hanging there. He doesnt move around as much as he used to either, but at least hes not sleeping during the day or resting on the branches, and he still uses his tongue to catch things just fine. However, the problem seems to be progressing, or at least not getting any better, as I notice him falling more and more and not being able to hold onto things. I was afraid to ask... but does he have MBD? :( I honestly dont see how it would be even possible though. Ive been doing everything right as far as I can tell. Gutloading, dusting, lighting, misting, all of that. Maybe im dusting too much and over supplementing..? Or please tell me im just worrying over nothing and being precautious. Please help..! D:

Chameleon Info:

Your Chameleon - Specs is a male blue bar ambilobe, hatched Dec 2 so about a little over 4 months old. Hes about 4.5 inches long from nose to vent. He was shipped to me and Ive had him since around mid February. He was lively when he was tiny and would put up a fuss when I tried to handle him.

Handling - Somewhat often, but not regularly or not for long periods of time. A few times a week I would say, but I would only take him out for a few minutes and put him back in. Occasionally I would pick him up while in his cage and move him to a different branch, or put him closer to his feeding cup or water. I recently started letting him roam outside with close supervision in hopes that UVB lighting may have been an issue, and he would catch a few flies while out. He used to gape and hiss or struggle when I tried to grab him but now he doesnt even try it seems.

Feeding - Crickets. I was giving him the smallest Petco had for a while, and I offered usually about 12-15 a day and he would eat them all. Then I switched to medium, and he ate less. Now hes on the larger ones and hes eating even less of those, about 5 roughly. However, I figured that since the crickets were bigger, he was still getting his fill. About one large cricket equals 3 small ones. I normally feed him at around 6 in the morning when I wake up. Crickets are gut loaded with a mash of carrots, oranges, apples, dandelion, sunflower seed, hemp seed, lemon, nuts, cranberry, potato, green beans, bell pepper, collard greens, kelp, mango, papaya, and flukers orange cubes and flukers dry gutload.

Supplements - I dust the crickets with Repti Calcium without D3 every feeding (sample size container, but its lasted me a while so far). Rep-Cal Herptivite with beta carotene Multivitamins on the 5th and 15th of every month, and Rep-Cal Phosphorus-Free Calcium with D3 on the 10th and 20th of every month. (2x month for each)

Watering - I use a container on the top of the cage with a drip catching pan on the bottom. I fill the container and change the pan every morning before school and when I get back I fill it and change it again. It usually drips for 10 or 15 minutes, and I see him drink. The pan isnt deep enough for him to drown in if he falls in it, which sadly has happened once before. Ive never seen him drink out of the pan which is good. I mist about 3 times a day or more, in the morning, afternoon, and before I turn the lights out. Sometimes Ill just mist if I notice the humidity is below 60.

Fecal Description - Seems normal, the usual dark brown and white. At least once or twice a day. Very occasionally, Ill see just a little bit of orange, but Ive only seen that a couple of times. He hasnt been to the vet before while in my care so hasnt been tested for parasites.

History - He used to be lively as previously stated, and a lot faster and active. He does not sleep during the day or lay on the branches which is a good sign at least. He seems to have gained a lot of weight in the past couple of months, and I dont know if thats normal for his age/size. He went through a period where he would shed every two weeks before he got fat. Maybe im over feeding him?

Cage Info:

Cage Type - He recently moved into a bigger cage and I was hoping the problem would get better if he had more space, but it hasnt. Hes in a home made wooden cage, with 5 sides of mesh including top and bottom. Dimensions are 24x18.5x24 LxWxH. This wont be his permanent cage and he will get a much bigger one when hes grown more. Maybe I should give him more time now that hes in the bigger cage?
Up until now, he was sharing his cage with a green anole for about three weeks. I know this is a big no-no, which is why I removed him now. However, Specs never seemed to mind the anole and hes had the problem since before the anole was introduced, it only just progressed. They shared the crickets and lighting and I made sure they each got the amount they needed. The cage may get frequent traffic because its right next to my computer desk, and im always on the computer so im passing through and im always next to it.

Lighting - Im using a 75 watt Zoomed basking bulb with a 5.5in flukers clamp lamp. It rests on the top mesh of the cage along with the Zilla Slimline T8 25 UVB tropical fixture. Up until about a month and a half ago, I realized that the stupid fixture had a plastic cover slip on it. I ripped that thing right off as soon as I discovered that UVB couldnt pass through it, so he could have been with without UVB that whole time. :( The UVB light is placed kind of in the front of the cage with the basking in the back. He doesnt go under the UVB very often I notice, maybe its because its too close to the front? Does he have to be under the UVB to be getting any of the rays at all? Lights are typically on from 6am-6pm. Weekends its usually a little later in the morning.

Temperature - The highest point in the basking spot is up in the 90s (97-100 F) which I am now realizing must be waay too hot, so im going to fix that. Cage floor is 75F, and the middle is 80ish. I didnt notice the heat in the basking spot before because it read differently the first time I checked. :/ I was using a digital thermometer before, but it recently fell in water and shorted out. I had to use the junky Petco brand needle kind to check these temps. Night temps are usually in the low 70's.

Humidity - I try to keep it above 60 at the very least. Unfortunately my house is fairly dry, so whenever I see it go below 60 I mist until it gets in the 80s or 90s. When hes shedding, I mist a lot more frequently. Sometimes I'll open the window in my room to make it warmer and for more humidity.

Plants - Only one live plant so far, just a small pothos that rests on the bottom. He doesnt go in it much due to its size, but im hoping to get a better and larger plant in the near future when I can.

Placement - This may be a problem- the cage is located directly right next to my computer as previously stated. I use my computer a lot so Im always passing through. Usually though, I just sit there for a while and dont move around too much so its not like im creating a lot of movement. The very top of the cage is about 4 feet from the ground, its resting on a table-shelf thing.

Location - Louisiana, very warm and humid here.

Pictures - A side view, a top view, his belly to see how fat he is (is that normal for his age?), and of him grabbing his leg. He was also shedding when I took these:







Again, sorry for the excessively long post. I just really wanted to get all the detail in that I could to find out what could be wrong with my little guy. :(
hmm, overall everything seems good, exept maybe water, you should have 4 mistings a day, how long are yours? Generally i would recomend getting a misting system, They surpass the possibilities of human error, missing a spraying, not long enough sprays, not fine enough, etc. I had a cham that wouldnt drink enough if i was in the room. Im not sure what your problem is, ive heard that some chams just get lazier as they grow older. i have an 8 month old female right now and she is displaying similar, but less serious symptoms, along with that her grip is looser than usual. Anybody have anything on this?

EDIT: i would also recomend getting a zoomed 5.0 uvb, im not sure if the zilla is any good or not
everything sounds like you are ok you are fixing the high temps so thats good it is possible the supplimenting is too much but mbd begining sings can be what you are going though to so its hard to say for sure but mbd can happen to chams that are supplimented proper and have the proper lightuing unfortunatly

Have u tried giving him a shower? U know u put the cham on a stick and aim the shower to the wall that way it doesn't hit it directly and they think its rain maybe drinking water will help ,make sure water is warm.good luck.
A shower? Hmm, I havent even heard of that. I mean, I have on the forums, but I assumed that a shower just meant misting the cham directly. So... I just put him in an actual shower but not aim it directly at him? Im afraid that hes going to fall off of a branch though if I try to put him on one high up.. :(

I usually use hot water in the misting bottle before I spray. That way it comes out lukewarm when it mists, not hot or cool. Occasionally though I will get lazy and not go through the trouble of changing the water in the bottle, but I'll try to keep changing it as much as possible.

I would like to get a misting system, but im afraid I just dont have the money right now. Hand misting has been working out for me so far, and he seems to not mind it. I see him drink and his droppings seem normal and im pretty sure he isnt dehydrated. In the future though and for when he has his larger permanent cage, I might get a system for t.

As for supplementing: Exactly how dusted should the crickets be? Maybe if I saw a picture of properly dusted crickets, Ill know how much to dust from now on. Like, I could be putting too much on the crickets at once. I thought I heard before that too much D3 can harm a cham.
I sort of wonder if he's not just coming into maturity....he doesn't hiss at you because he's learned you're okay? Maybe? Is that a thought?

You're also in the process of making a lot of changes and chameleons can take time to adjust to change...

If he were mine, I would keep an eye on him, try to keep to a rigid routine for a few days and see if he doesn't seem more normal in a week.
Yeah, I was thinking of doing just that. Leave him alone for maybe a week, no handling, and just do the normal misting and feeding and work around him. Hopefully, if its because of the changes, he'll feel more himself. Now that I think about it though, I did make a lot of changes to his cage even before he moved into the larger one. I would move branches and vines around so that it would be more convenient for him to move around. Even just recently I removed an unnecessary tree thing that took up too much space to make it more roomy. I didnt realize that changing too many things could have an affect on him like that. Im definitely going to leave everything alone now and just wait and see what happens in a week or two.

Its a possibility that hes learned that im okay. He DOES still tend to puff out his throat pouch and get a little PO'ed when I do something he doesnt like, like handle him a certain way or bother him too much, so its not like hes completely unresponsive. Him maturing is also a thought too. A while back, I posted a pic of a weird poop that a few people seemed to think was a sperm plug, and I was a little confused for a while because, even now, hes awfully young to be maturing that fast. I am starting to notice a bulge at his tail base though, so maybe he really is just maturing early.

Im going to keep waiting for more input on this though to see what anyone else may think about it.
If you've been handling him daily, you should probably at least pay homage to that and stick a hand in and offer him the chance to come out.

I hope other members with more experience offer their ideas. You are right to get all the input you can.
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Have you been getting him outside into the natural sunlight at all?? I am concerned about the lack of UVB for about 2 months. ALso he does need to be able to get within 12inches of it to get any benefit from the lamp. I make sure the UVB light goes directly over a branch (generally really close to the basking area) and my guys will go "bask" under the UVB light once in awhile. I dont know for sure if that is long enought to cause any issues but some good sunlight never hurt anyone!! I would try to get him outside as much as possible, make sure he is well hydrated also. Try moving him to an area that is a little less busy. You really have not had him all that long and it seems you have been handling him a lot and changing a lot of things around on him, he may just be stressed. The first couple months is a time for them to adjust after being shipped, it is usually recommended to give them space during this time. This may be all it is, his legs all look good, he doesn't look dehydrated, nice round belly...oh if you can't move him without a huge ordeal, just cover his cage at night so that way when you are on your computer he still has it nice and dark so he can sleep. That may actually be better than trying to move his whole set up actually...good luck, keep us posted! Looks like you are doing a great job otherwise!

EDIT: Also, don't fret too much about your temps, 100 degrees is a bit much but...I just got a Kammer baby and the Kammers (one of the most respected breeders EVER) bask their baby chams at 90-95 degrees...just make sure he has lots of branches at different levels so he can pick a temp he likes.
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I agree, natural sunshine!!! As far as your basking temp, as long as he is not gaping constantly while basking I would lower it just between 90 and 95 tops. Kammer's(Kammerflage Kreations)a well known breeder on here bask their young chams at around 90-95. That was the instuctions that I was given when I got my chameleon from them 2 yrs ago and he thrived. Alot of people bask at a lower temp than that. I am just giving you the option. You seem to have everything in order, so not sure why your cham is having problems. His limbs look good but grabbing of the front legs with the back is a sign of mbd. I am glad you caught the plastic covering the light!!
If ur worried about the shower being to high u can put him at the bottom of the tub just make sure there is no open drain holes ,cover them but not all the way to where it will hold the water.I have. 9 chams and whenever I c one that isn't himself I put him in the shower,in my opinion its like a treat for them,i do it like ten minutes or so ,when I bring them out it seems to energize them ,u should try it it wont hurt them .
Good luck
I would take him to the vet and get bloodwork done. Your symptoms that you describe sound a lot like what happened with my last chameleon.

- Weakness in back legs
- Occasional falling
- Generally "clumsy".

Otherwise seemed to eat, drink, and have good energy, showed good hydration, etc.

When I took him to the vet and had bloodwork done, he had a high level of urea in his blood, which the vet said indicated he was having some kind of kidney failure. We put him on some antibiotics in case it was an infection, and some additional supplements to help his kidneys heal. The vet couldn't give me a clear cause for the kidney failure however. He's a really good experienced herp and bird vet.

Unfortunately he never really recovered. He eventually couldn't climb anymore, his back legs just wouldn't work at all. We made him as comfortable as possible, taught him to drink from a bowl, and hand fed him. We lost him right when I was considering finally whether to euthanize him.

So, my advice would be to get bloodwork done by a vet to see if this is the same thing.
I wish I could take him to a vet, but with no car right now, it really isnt an option. :( I just have to hope its nothing as serious as that and that it wont get worse. He definitely doesnt seem to be as bad as that sounds. His legs seem fine other than him being clumsy and occasionally letting them hang. I did notice though, before he was hanging around on on the lower half of the cage more often. But, now that Ive removed the anoles and raised the basking light a little, he goes more towards the top. Thats a start at least. :)
Also, I was already putting a blanket over his cage at night, so thats good. :D

Now... about the sunlight. For how long would be a safe time to let him outside in the sun? And do you recommend just letting him sit on the grass or on a branch for a little while while I watch him as opposed to moving his entire setup? I have outside cats, but they wouldnt dare go near him if they knew I was there watching him and I trust my yard enough to be safe.
My UVB seems close enough, but I dont usually catch him directly under it or "basking" under it. I think im going to move the light more closer to the basking and see how that works out. Ill definitely be letting him outside for more natural sunlight time to hopefully make up for the time lost with the stupid plastic cover slip on the light. I just need to know how long is a good amount of time for him to stay outside.

I may try the shower once also before I officially start the week or two of no handling. I assume the water should be lukewarm?
Hes showering right now as I type. He seems to be enjoying it. :)

EDIT: He has his eyes closed and hes resting on a branch in the shower.. is that good or does that mean hes just relaxing?
unfortunately no, when they rest they do not close their eyes. There is something else going on here with your chameleon.
I wish I could take him to a vet, but with no car right now, it really isnt an option. :( I just have to hope its nothing as serious as that and that it wont get worse. He definitely doesnt seem to be as bad as that sounds. His legs seem fine other than him being clumsy and occasionally letting them hang. I did notice though, before he was hanging around on on the lower half of the cage more often. But, now that Ive removed the anoles and raised the basking light a little, he goes more towards the top. Thats a start at least. :)
Also, I was already putting a blanket over his cage at night, so thats good. :D

Now... about the sunlight. For how long would be a safe time to let him outside in the sun? And do you recommend just letting him sit on the grass or on a branch for a little while while I watch him as opposed to moving his entire setup? I have outside cats, but they wouldnt dare go near him if they knew I was there watching him and I trust my yard enough to be safe.
My UVB seems close enough, but I dont usually catch him directly under it or "basking" under it. I think im going to move the light more closer to the basking and see how that works out. Ill definitely be letting him outside for more natural sunlight time to hopefully make up for the time lost with the stupid plastic cover slip on the light. I just need to know how long is a good amount of time for him to stay outside.

I may try the shower once also before I officially start the week or two of no handling. I assume the water should be lukewarm?

as much sun as you can give him. just make sure he can get out of the sun if he chooses and there is shade for him to cool down.
After the shower, let him calm down a bit then if you have a fake tree or a big enough plant for him to sit in outside, take him out, even if it is for 30 minutes. Stay with him and watch him every minute. If you have a patio where the temps aren't 100+ that would be good. They get good UVBs even if they are in the shade.

I have some of the mesh cages that I use for outside which I put my males in. They love it and spend a couple days outside. I spray them with the hose a couple times a day. I bring them in every 3rd day to eat and get checked over by me. I also hose down their outside cages. They are filled with plants so they can hide and stay cool if it gets too warm during the day or cool at night. They are amazingly healthy and love to go out.

I would love to latch on to more of the mesh cages.
Alright, I think I'll try putting him outside then, for a while. Hes asleep now though so Ill set something up for him tomorrow and Ill leave him out for at least a day and a night. Should he be in direct sunlight, or just anywhere outside even in shade? He'll still get UVB either way?
Direct sunlight with shade available in case he gets too hot. I don't leave my guys just out on branches, and in the grass might be more stress (feeling unprotected). I have a adult size cage outside for Claude and I just take Salvador's whole cage outside. I would DEFINATELY not leave him unattended if you can't keep him in a cage. Ask Carol what almost happened to her Romeo one day...birds and chams are not friends! I really hope to hear good news for your poor little guy. When his eyes were closed in the shower, was his face getting sprayed directly? If he was not getting water in his eyes, I am a little concerned. As Carol said, they don't "rest" with thier eyes closed in a normal healthy cham. When they are awake, they should be bright and alert, even when basking.
Alright, thanks, Ill keep all of that in mind.

There was just something I noticed though. I realized the branches in his cage might be too big. They are wider than his hands can fit around. Do you think that may be a cause of him falling?
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