

New Member
Hi There,

I have a gorgeous 6 month old male yemen called Dennis, he is fab :D He's my first cham and just perfect! His diet mainly consists of crickets and locusts and he has had a couple of tiny pinkies which he loves :rolleyes:

I read on a website a while ago that any spiders you find in your house/garden can be very popular with chameleons and add a bit of variation to the diet. So, i went on a spider hunt and found a few and he LOVED them :eek: He was looking for more after :D They were only common house spiders so not big or anything.

I was just wondering if anyone else feeds spiders and if its a good idea to do it regularly or should i just do it occasionally...?
Silk worms are great if you can get your hands on them :)

...not sure about spiders, the ones over here are harmless to humans so i guess the dont pose much of a threat like other species.
Ooh, never heard of silkworms, will have a look for those. Dennis will eat anything so its worth trying anything thats good for him especially while he is young and growing!
I feed spiders! :D I have a large troop so I can say I feed off as many spiders as I can find but not one chameleon gets a ton. 4 or so a month. More in the summer time when they are more abundant. I feed off small orb weavers, jumping spiders, wolf spiders, crab spiders and daddy long legs. Just know what types they are and stay away from the harmful ones like black widows and brown recluse and it shouldnt be a problem. I even know of instances of people feeding black widows to jacksons chams but I wouldnt go that far.
I would not recommend spiders or pinkies.
Better choices include: silkworms; butterworms; hornworms; dubia roaches; turkistan roaches; hisser roaches; moths; stick insects; grasshoppers....
My lil fischer's cham eats the occasional daddy long legs during the summer months when they are taking over my balcony. I have wolf spiders by me, but they are pretty huge, so she's never had one of those. But I don't see the harm in having your cham eating the occasional harmless spider.

sandrachameleon: Why wouldn't you recommend spiders or pinkies? I've seen many of times where a full grown male veiled or panther has eaten a pinkie...Do you mean as a daily diet? Cuz I think anyone would agree with that.
My lil fischer's cham eats the occasional daddy long legs during the summer months when they are taking over my balcony. I have wolf spiders by me, but they are pretty huge, so she's never had one of those. But I don't see the harm in having your cham eating the occasional harmless spider.

sandrachameleon: Why wouldn't you recommend spiders or pinkies? I've seen many of times where a full grown male veiled or panther has eaten a pinkie...Do you mean as a daily diet? Cuz I think anyone would agree with that.

pinkies are pretty much mcdonalds for the cham. it really wont help the cham with calcium because the bones are still developing so there is more bad done than good
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