Spine spikes lopsided


Pickels spikes on his back are off to the side. Im almost positive he does not have MBD. Everything else is perfect and no other signs of it. Hes amazing. But if you have any idea, let me know. The previous owners let him have acces to touch the top of the cage with his veil and back so maybe because he was up there all the time and close to the top of the cage, they formed to the side.... Not sure. but guess away! 1483905946408-870953628.jpg 1483905986904497683762.jpg 1483906031924-1693277211.jpg
his crickets were dusted with calcium every day so im not sure. his spine looks funky in the pictures because the way he was sitting. he didnt like the camera too much
I think he will be okay just make sure he is getting his supplementation. and gut loaded food he will be fine. Not too sure this is do to MBD either If he was cramped if his former enclosure like you say that could very well be what happened. Sorry I couldn't be more helpful.
okay no you were very helpful. He gets without d3 daily and with d3 every month. The one concern was that he was getting with d3 every day. Not sure how that has affected him but he seems fine to me. Im sure its nothing but wanted to check. Thanks :)
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