sprayed flea killer on my bed


New Member
I sprayed flea killer on my bed as along with my Jackson's, Grimm, I have two cats and a dog, and I can't seem to get rid of the fleas, done this several times in past before I got Grimm, and I just did it, and he is usually kept in my room. He is in the living room now, and I am wondering, does he need to stay out of the room longer than me or is it safe for him when it's safe for me?:confused:
Air out the room well (open the windows to outdoors) for a few days and that should be fine. Dont believe products that say a couple hours is sufficient.

I highly recommend NOT spraying your bed, for your own sake - certainly you should have fresh unsprayed sheets.

To rid a house of fleas you need thorough daily vacuuming, move out all furniture and get under and behind everything and along all edges, daily. Vaccume not just the carpets but also the furniture.

Use the liquid flea killer (like Frontline or Advantage) on the neck of your pets, as this will not only get rid of fleas but keep them from coming back for at least three weeks. You'll need several treatments since there are also likely flea eggs in the carpet and such. Use a Flea comb daily for 3 weeks until the liquid flea killer on the pets and the vaccuming have done the job (you'll no longer find evidence of fleas on the pets).
... Goodluck getting rid of them. My house still has them, we've tried a few of those flew bombs that smoke the entire house, they don't work.
i once had a flea problem when my brother took in a stray, and i used advantage products and all worked out well..
It is less safe for him than it is for you. Give him more time than the bottle instructs for humans. I have used a natural spray with peppermint, clove oil and some other stuff in it and it actually worked.

Maybe now that you hit them hard with the chems you can keep them down with the natural spray.
I actually recommend switching your pets to Comfortis for fleas. It's a pill and it kills all fleas on your pets within 3 hours. I have a shetland sheepdog that used to be infested with them every time we went to the dog park. A lot of the liquid ones that go on necks have been around for a while and are losing potency with fleas that are becoming more resilient. We gave her the pill and by that afternoon she was flea-less. Then it was just a matter of a bath and brushing to get the dead fleas out of her coat. It lasts a month like other flea products.

I've heard putting baking soda on the carpet helps kill them? I'm not sure where I heard that or if it's valid but it might be worth a google search.
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