Squeamish of insects


New Member
Hello everyone, I'm a long time lover of chameleons and hope to own my first one sometime in the future. My problem is that I can't really picture myself being hands-on with insects, especially larger ones or cockroaches. One of the major reasons I don't own a chameleon right now is due to this fact - and the fact that having my own colonies of insects seems unimaginable.

Just curious, was anyone else squeamish of insects prior to owning a chameleon? Any advice for me to get over this feeling?

Regarding starting my own insect colonies, my understanding is that even if I decided to order insects weekly, I would have to keep them in a container and feed them.
my only problem is when i can't see them. WEll spiders that is. bugs is no big deal.

Buy some extra long feeding tongs, you should be OK.
I am still quite squeamish but it has gotten better with time LOL. I found that disposable gloves (or thin plastic buttie bags over my hands) helped when having to deal with the critters because I could not stand them touching me! I am and have always been OK with wax worms - these should only be fed as a treat- crickets i can just about handle now but the gloves were fantastic for me during those first few weeks months. Now mealies Yuck!!! I have only just started to handle these horrid things without protction and even then I have to put them down quickly. (I beleive these should not be fed to very young chams anyway.

If you get one of those cricket keeper tubs they have black tubes that the crickets like to hide in. You just pull out a tube and shake out the right amount of crickets into the enclosure/food tub/dusting bag whatever. When cleaning out a cricket keeper tub you just need to have a large bucket or similar. Crickets can not jump all that high and you can be sure that non escape that way ^__^

Good luck! I guess if you really want to get a cham and you want to do the right thing by him/her you will probably find your own methods of copeing.

Ofcause you do not have to breed your own critters but once you get the hang of things who knows!
I too, started with a cricket keeper. Worked great and held a weeks supply of crickets. Easy to shake into a bag or cup to dust. Eventually I needed more and am presently using a big rubbermaid tub. Crickets and supers are now an easy thing to manage.
i still cant stand roaches, but crickets i just got used to, from chasing them down in my room to hand feeding....... u'll get used to it... well at least u hope.
Never had issues with bugs myself, but my partner did and to some degree still does. He is afraid of spiders, and lumps most bugs into the same category as spiders. But over time he got so he could use a spoon to geta king worm or meal worm out of a bin and into a feeding cup. Crickets he wears gloves and still freaks out a little. Silkworms he can touch, so long as they're not too little or too big and so long as the sucker feet dont stick to him too much. One year I was taking a two-week trip to South Africa and he had to take over fully, and I know my chams suffered a little from lack of variety - there was no way in heck he was going to touch roaches. Even feeding the roaches was a big issue.
LOL So basically he's limited, and therefore he would not make a good Chameleon owner.
If I were you, I'd but some smallish crickets now, and treat them as pets for awhile. Feed them, practise handling them. Move them from one bucket to another. If you slowly manage to get over your anxiety of bugs - GREAT! get the chameleon. If you find you are stressed about bugs three weeks into caring for crickets, you should consider chameleons to be the wrong animal for you.
I have been dealing with the crickets for 2-3 months now. I use the Cricket Keeper as mentioned before, and almost never have to touch them. One thing that I also use is a paper towel roll. I put it straight up over a cricket and box it in. Then when the cricket starts to climb up the tube, I move it quickley into the cage and shake and he tumbles down the tube. Similar to the Cricket Keeper Tube.

Now I just started breeding Roaches about 2 weeks ago. Won't be feed them off for about 3-4 months. Them, I have a problem with. Don't know what I am planning to do with them, but I am the type of person that hates being afraid of stuff. For me, the best thing to do is just stick my hand in a start handling them. Hopefully, I will ivercome my fears.
you're going to have a hard time keeping herps if you're scared of bugs. i've always loved insects since i was very young and i even wanted to become an entomologist at one time.

i would get some feeding tongs.
I'm a bit squeamish of insects myself. But I am learning how to handle them. Granted, I don't have a chameleon yet, but crickets aren't too bad. I don't think I can handle the roaches though, simply because I don't want to risk one getting away. I've killed them before, no problem. Ants aren't an issue, but I don't think chameleons eat those. I used to love insects and spiders, but had a nasty little incident and am working my way back. I am guessing that my love for my chameleons are going to help me get over the fear. I used to have a hard time with vomit, and Baloo, my cat, cured me of that.
had a bit issue on bugs in general; but, I used to have an extreme fear with roaches (blattaphobia). I would run 2 miles without stopping when a cockroach at sight, especially when it flies.

Crickets in general did not bug me.
Caterpillar irks me.

When I got my first veiled, I got tired of crickets. Then, I bought silkworms and found out that cater pillar ain't so bad. Hence, I got into breeding silkies (see silkworms 101 thread).

And, finally, with the help of other members here and Dave Weldon who gave me his roaches for sample, I manage to desensitize myself a bit of roaches.
I still refuse holding them by naked hands and I choose not to even bother with the male.
But, At least, I no longer run when I see a roach. :p

Life with chameleons means life with bugs as well.
Can't escape it.

Also, sooner or later, one will give in to the idea of keeping roaches.
At least once.
I was never a bug person myself but my love for chameleons got me over my fear of bugs. Now I take good care of all kinds of insects just to keep my chameleons happy. What a joy to see them happy!!!!! Jann
I have no problem with any feeder insects. The only thing so far that I even been a little creeped out by was letting a mature darkening beetle, aka last stage of a superworm, crawl on my arm. Did it just to see what it felt like and I can tell you I only use a little spoon to move them now. Insects kinda come with the territory, and if you think you can't get used to them / overly freaked out, then maybe chameleons and most herps just aren't for you.
Life with chameleons means life with bugs as well.
Can't escape it.

Also, sooner or later, one will give in to the idea of keeping roaches.
At least once.

That is one thing I look forward to, and you're probably right. I've started forcing myself to look at pictures of them, etc. I hate being afraid of things, but it certainly helps to have a reason. However, my chameleon is going to start off with crickets, snails, and worms.
That is one thing I look forward to, and you're probably right. I've started forcing myself to look at pictures of them, etc. I hate being afraid of things, but it certainly helps to have a reason. However, my chameleon is going to start off with crickets, snails, and worms.
Never heard of them eating snails....
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