Standard visual (Graphic Image Warning)

This should be used as a visual aid for anybody who thinks keeping two species together in a enclosure would be cool.


  • pac man cham (2) (302x403).jpg
    pac man cham (2) (302x403).jpg
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Sorry, had to add the warning to the title. And ugh, I can't stand those frogs. I have a hard time thinking of a herp that seems dumber than this one, they just sit motionless for weeks and chomp mindlessly at whatever comes by.
Now im gonna go gind a frog and feed it to my cham...... Just kidding, thats sad tho
I have a hard time thinking of a herp that seems dumber than this one, they just sit motionless for weeks and chomp mindlessly at whatever comes by.

How do you know they aren't solving maths in their heads?
Whats that stuff on the floor, under the frog?
Sphagnam moss. Pretty common frog substrate for a setup like that. It's a shoebox setup- the substrate is changed out every now and again.
So, the person that owned these animals more than likely did this on purpose. Fed a chameleon to a frog. :mad:
It reminds me of a question IS was going to ask: can chams eat small frogs? We have some here...
I won't look at this picture again....:(
Was this an accident? i dont see the objective.

looks like a veiled

Still a $40+ snack
was the veiled deformed and feed off, or injured
YOu wouldnt feed a sick animal off
Yeah this has to have been done on purpose. I had an albino PAC man when I was little and they are the laziest things ever. No way it would hunt the chameleon. The chameleon had to have been forced to walk infront of the frog.
Most likely an irresponsible and troubled 13 year old breeder spending mommy & daddies money and feeding off the extra reptiles he can't take care of... I sent him a thoughtful and personal message on youtube :cool:
I've seen the video, it's just for fews because mindless people couldn't care less about life and just life upsetting people. A few people on YouTube say it's the circle of life, a frog to a big is life, a low dwelling American frog eating a baby arboreal African chameleon is not. Some people just make me want to explode.
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