Stanley feeling a little crusty!!!


Avid Member
i love shots of them shedding!!!
agreed, but thtey they always look so miserable tho.

my bearded dragon is going threw a shed right now. poor guys was scraping his belly on anything he could, including the glass and his food bowl. it was funny to see, i gotta admit.

i have had my Veiled for 2 weeks now (so that makes him 2 1/2 months old then), and i cant believe how much he has already grown. i cant wait for Barney's first shed. i'll haver to take some pictures of it too.
agreed, but thtey they always look so miserable tho.

my bearded dragon is going threw a shed right now. poor guys was scraping his belly on anything he could, including the glass and his food bowl. it was funny to see, i gotta admit.

i have had my Veiled for 2 weeks now (so that makes him 2 1/2 months old then), and i cant believe how much he has already grown. i cant wait for Barney's first shed. i'll haver to take some pictures of it too.

they must be very itchy, always rubbing and scratching!!!!

definatly take pics, they are too funny looking!!!!
Poor little Stanley. I feel bad for them when they shed. I'll bet he's looking good now tho. He's such a handsome boy!:)
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