My girlfriend and I recently bought a baby veiled chameleon (not sure exactly how old, but his body is almost 2 inches long). We bought him with a 16 gallon tank, a zoo-med 10.0 UVB/UVA bulb, and a ceramic heat bulb. We set up the tank and then brought him home and put some crickets in there. Within a little while I watched him stalk a cricket and he stuck his tongue out and hit him but it didn't stick. After this he didn't ever seem to eat. We bought a basking bulb because we thought maybe it wasn't warm enough but the bulb would raise the temperature so much he would stay on the bottom of the cage, so we went back to the ceramic bulb. Right now, the basking area is around 90 and the opposite end is about 80 during the day. The room temperature is about 75 so we turn everything off at night. We try to keep the humidity between 50% and 60%. So he went about a week without eating and we bought some "Herpcare Electrolyte and Appetite Stimulant." He likes drinking this from the syringe but it doesn't seem to stimulate his appetite. I called the store where I bought him and the "reptile guy" said he had one that didn't eat but it was shedding and then after it shed it was fine again. So we waited some more and finally he was done shedding and then one day we came in and he had a cicket in his mouth. We looked around the cage and only saw one or two more in there so we thought he was eating. For the next day or two we were feeding him crickets and we thought he was eating them because we couldn't see them anywhere but when I cleaned out his cage a couple days later there were lots of crickets, some dead, some alive, at the bottom hidden in the foilage. He has his eyes closed for most of the day which I read is unhealthy, he only really opens them when I mist. He drinks when I mist but remains quite inactive at all other times. He also has this weird bulge in his eye sometimes that seems to move around under his eyelid next to his eye ball. I'm starting to think that maybe he has an infection in his eye and that's why he's acting like this.. I don't know.. can anyone help please????