Starting a Dubai colony?


Does anybody know any websites where I can buy a Dubai colony that's already well established? I Live in Maryland
You might try Craig's list in your area. Someone may have an established colony that they're willing to part with.
You might try Craig's list in your area. Someone may have an established colony that they're willing to part with.
Tried and found nothing, I was looking at Dubai depot and it had a start up colony for 40$ with 250 roaches and it's like 50 females to 10 males and the rest are nymphs. Thinking about buying that
Dubia-Dubai Lol. (auto correct strikes again) We use to call them Dubai roaches joking around.

Seriously chameleons tend to run hot and cold on dubia so don't be surprised if yours won't always eat them.
I plan on picking some up tonight and seeing how they'll like them. Hopefully they will because I'm seriously against starting a cricket colony
I'm in Delaware and work in MD. I will a large colony and could sell you a few with some cleaner beetles.
I'm in Delaware and work in MD. I will a large colony and could sell you a few with some cleaner beetles.
That would be aweasome I've got leopard geckos that would most likely eat them. I want to see if the chams will eat the roaches first though
Good plan. Best of luck!
It just drives me crazy when I'm gut loading all these dubia and none of the chameleons are in the mood to eat them.
Well some good news is my older veiled eats them up, waiting to see how my baby panther takes to them he's more of a shy eater so I'm going to let him be. Fingers crossed so I can invest in my own colony!
Does anyone have a panther that regularly eats dubia? mine have to go without eating for the better part of a week to even glance at a dubia.
Ryker used to eat them all the time, when he could eat on his own. In my opinion it depends on how often you feed your chams and how much energy they expend on a regular basis. Ryker got fed once every other day or every two days depending on how he was doing. He also was an extremely active chameleon. He still is even though he's about 75% blind.
@NickTide are they young? IME the younger ones gobble anything up, but the older are very picky
Yes, they are young. 3-4 months. I started an orange head colony since I've heard they are more attractive to Panthers. Also started isopods, stick bugs and have silkworms eggs I'm trying to hatch. Want to get green banana roaches one day soon.
Try smaller Dubia, sometimes chams get intimidated by larger prey...just because they ate an adult once, doesn't mean they will again. Kellers, as big as they are will gobble up cleaner beetles and tiny roaches.

Another trick is to use a feeding cup, and put crickets or Red Runner roaches in with the Dubia; the movement will attract them to the sluggish Dubia.

Green Banana roaches will break most hunger strikes.


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