Starting my Build W.I.P

Started furnishing the inside, just waiting for some powerful magnets to make my basking branch & leca for the passive hydroponic drip plant. IMG_20200702_013335652.jpg
Basking branch done. Drilled ends of branch to accommodate 2 small powerful magnets didn't even need to glue as was such a snug fit these connect through the mesh to 2 larger powerful magnets. Thee other end hinged so I can adjust the basking branch if necessary currently @ 86f at closest branch 6 inch down with 75w


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Progress update week to go just about ready to go just a running a few cycles to dial in heat and program misting sessions. Haven't done the raspberry Pi yet so data shows for 24 hours on stat so going off that and the dimming % for bulb wattage by initial test need to bring it down from 75w.
Anyone wall mount the mistking?
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Probe position ok? Will cut rest of the branch if i use it. concerned of cham covering jf direcly on basking branch and getting burnt ( why im going to make sure not running the dimming power output as close to 100% on stat) received_653256475402352.jpeg uv
And plant light off on time
Do you have to make a YouTube to post a video?


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Finished as far as im ready to to make it a baby panther jungle tomorrow might have to do a video introduction.
Will get a better picture when lights on and put hood over all the gadgies and wiring mass @ the top well happy with how that's turned out?
?I programmed my mistaking properly and need to tidy up the hole made in mesh to put stat probe through got a worm dish and feed cup run and made a dripper out of Starbucks cup ?? IMG_20200724_035937525.jpg
Stuff has started to arrived to start my wall mounted Reptibreeze xl build.
Making this post for hints tips & constructive criticism i may or may not ignore ??
Going to start with the fixing of brackets & mounts to the wall. My first questions is placement, im going to put cage in corner of our living room opposite corner to television, have a large west-south-west facing window that won't beam any light into closure.
It will be adjacent too access door to rest of apartment with a door to kitchen in same corner as the door. Its the quietest corner of living room it will be next to a 250 litre fishtank aswell, sound ok? Also a gas central heating radiator near to it about 2 feet away.
Should have 5 inch space roughly Either side, i plan to have a foamex printed custom backdrop once i fire the desktop up (very difficult to work with images on phone unfortunately ?).
Drainage i have a rough idea what im planning is have a smaller shelf underneath with a window planter type thing for the reservoir and piping to a sink waste trap in middle of the reptibreeze base plate pulling it down for water flow gradient.
There will be a shelf above enclosure with a multi socket plug for lighting and to allow me to provide adjustment for uv light and heat lamp.
Im going to hand mist and use a dripper to start with but will eventually have a mistking once I'm back at work full-time hopefully. I maybe a adding drain to waste water plumbing which I've always wanted for my fish tank for easy water changes.
I have something similar to dragon ledges arriving soon in post, i want to add my branches ive been cleaning with weak bleach and airing out, mostly ivy vines and a small cherry tree (freshly cut down).
Im going to avoid having too many fake vines only 2 or 3 small exoterra type as heard they bad for chams feet by not drying quickly only bought one so far.
I want nothing on the floor of cage for easy cleaning, im getting a panther female so will need a laybin, any ideas on a floating laybin looking for suggestions?
I have been growing a pothos since about a month ago, and have a small umbrella plant and ficus alii tree plus i plan to get a large money tree too as centre piece. Will probably go jungle dawn led bar route for lighting as seems less hassle than the t5ho's plus don't want it too crowded above cage.
This might be a slow build as having problems with getting wood cut locally due to the Covid and sheets of plywood etc very expensive to get posted due too being bulky, im sure I'll work something out though wish me luck will post up pictures as i progress,,,
Any feedback welcome ??
Wait you have a pet tiger!?
Wait you have a pet tiger!?
& Soon to have a panther ??
Oops woke up to mistking pump running dry, should have reread the instructions. Set it to go off 0745 think i was supposed to set off as 02 minutes and 30 seconds ? instead i set it to go off after 7 hours and 47 minutes 30 seconds i think, hope i haven't damaged it
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