staying dark


New Member
i am wondering(yet again) if someting is wrong with my new 16 male panther cham. he got here yesterday. i already had his cage heating up for him. i had got crickets on sunday to begin to gut load( dandelion greens,collard green,endive). i put 7 crickets in his feeder cup and 2 for him to free range.
temps at the lower part of the 100 gallon reptarium are high 60 middle of cage is 78 humdidity is 75 to 78,and his basking spot is 85.
i have a regular household bulb for his basking spot. and a reptic 10.0 tube bulb. he also has a dripper on top of his cage.
live plants are pothos,fiscus tree,and a yellow jasmine(can't recall the name but i did see on several lists it is safe). there is also numberous fake vines all around the cage.

when i opened his box yesterday he was a light green with the red stripe in his eye. i immediately put him in his basking area. he stayed there for quite a while. i misted him and he seemed to drink quite a bit. later in the day i misted again and again he drank for a bit. he did seem pretty thirthy but he was on a long trip.
last night lights went out last night at about 8 ish. my husband got up at 4:30 this morning for work(he doesn't turn the room light on :D). but does obviously turn the bathroom light on. anyway i got up and opened the blinds and turned the chams lights on at 8:30 this morning. i waited about an hour for him to warm up,as well as the cage before misting. he is still where he was last night. in the middle of the tree,temps are 68 there right now. i have my warm mist humdifier going on the enclosure as well. he is awake as i have peeked in on him,and he seems to be moving his arms(almost like stretching) however he hasn't moved much fruther up the tree. i did end up misting him and he did drink i could see. but he is very very dark. i don't think he has eaten since he has gottne here. i am ordering some phoenix worms tonight but wont' have them obviously for a couple days. should i get some wax worms? not worry about it? i haven't noticed that he has went to the bathroom.he came from flordia and is now in okla,he was over nighted. could he still be settling in? should i get him out and put him in th basking spot?
take him to a vet? get some reptic aid an give to him?
or am i being way over the top and just need to chill out? i have really not bothered him by looking at him alot or what not.
ideas? suggestions?

i am going to have my husband try to post some pics of him and our enclosure later tonight when he gets home. i have no idea how lol

Give him a few days to settle in and get used to his new home.
Try to leave him alone (as much as possible:rolleyes: it's hard with a new animal)
It's really good that he's drinking!
Be sure to get any uneaten crickets out of the enclosure at night ... don't want them chewing on him while he's sleeping.

ok you think i am a bit over reacting brad? its ok to say yes lol.
thanks for such a quick reply. i worked really hard to make sure his enclousure was what was suggested. i don't want any of my animals to be stressed or not in the type of enclousre that they should have.

lastly should i get him some wax worms? or not worry about that.
i am goint ot order the phoenix worms tonight or in the mornng. not sure how long they take to get here though.
thanks again.
Waxworms can be an effective feeder for stimulating appetite.
I don't think they are necessary ... but it wouldn't hurt anything to offer him a few.
Yes I think you are reacting to quickly and just need to allow him some time:)

or am i being way over the top and just need to chill out? i have really not bothered him by looking at him alot or what not.
ideas? suggestions?

Totally over the top!! lol... but you've got all the makings of a master chameleon keeper :D

I'm sure both you and the cham will relax with a bit of time...
Yeah, just try to relax a little. Jofarah is right though. You have to be a little obsessive to keep them correctly.
thanks guys i really appreciate it.
he did finally come up to the top basking area(yea).
i will keep a distant eye on him.
thanks again for the advice to chill.
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