
New Member

Call your congressman complain, and express your feeling that 96% of all these animals cant survive in the wild in almost every state bedside Hawaii, and Florida! The more pressure we put on them by saying we wont vote for them in 2 years again the less they will wan to vote yes!

find out who they are/ how to contact them here!!!
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Arrrgggg...I kind of hoped this was some sort of April Fool's joke when I heard about it yesterday....can they really do this?? I mean, wouldn't it basically eliminate the pet industry as we have always known it? I heard that it would even include rodents like hamsters and gerbils and guinea pigs...I don't get it! This is terrible...we should start some sort of petition.
Arrrgggg...I kind of hoped this was some sort of April Fool's joke when I heard about it yesterday....can they really do this?? I mean, wouldn't it basically eliminate the pet industry as we have always known it? I heard that it would even include rodents like hamsters and gerbils and guinea pigs...I don't get it! This is terrible...we should start some sort of petition.

best thing to do is call your state conregessman's office, and tell him if he votes for the bill you wont vote for him next term. they rarely do things that would invoke political suicide
my sentiment went a little like this

I say no to Bill HR 669! The pet industry is one of a few things that still gives people hope here in the states. When a little kid gets a pet hamster, or a bird it can bring such delight to their world, and may even help soothe their pain. We just recently had a child who lost their family. He wanted a ferret more than anything in the world! His social worker came down to the local pet store, and expressed her case. He was under the watch for suicidal tendencies, and said the only thing he wanted was a pet ferret, because his mom had once, and it reminded him of her. With this bill being passed little miracles, or justices in the world would be taken away. I am a proud Chameleon owner (which is a type of reptile) and would be heartbroken myself if I would have never of gotten the chance to have such an amazing little creature. The most simple things can be an inspiration. Think of what you would be doing if you voted yes, and a Water dragon inspired someone to make a new type of vehicle, or gave them the mental enjoyment/rest needed to create that cure for cancer after being in a lab all day. There are only two states that have reported these species of animals being able to live there. Florida/Hawaii, and after being a resident in FL for 5 years I never once saw a hamster, or chameleon wandering around in the wild. The ability for solitary animals to live in the wild after being captive breed is slim to none. To really hit this home with some current events why in the world would you hurt a business industry that helps provide the US economy with money. Even if it's not a substantial amount its helping not hurting. I say NO to Bill HR 669, and if you don't say no too you have lost my re-election vote!
You expect the same politicians who passed an $800 billion stimulus bill they didn't even look at to read your emails? I guess you have to try though.
Isnt shipping reptiles illegal already?! i thought ups doesnt recognize live reptile shipping, therefore wouldnt it not change n e thing?
You expect the same politicians who passed an $800 billion stimulus bill they didn't even look at to read your emails? I guess you have to try though.

that was mainly the senate, and their committees followed over to the house. if we dont try then we are part of the problem
why'd you have to say hawaii man! That hurts. I think I'm the only one from hawaii thats legally keeping furcifer pardalis!?
Well, I'm sure (jusdging by your avatar) that you understand how this all works. Government regulations and bans on reptiles are similar to government bans and regulations on guns. A responsible gun/reptile owner poses no risk to anyone else. An irresponsible gun/reptile owner may pose a risk to himself of others. The solution, in the minds of many who don't have a stake in this, is to simply ban things. They don't get affected, so they do care one way or the other.

The majority of people dont' care whether we can keep reptiles, and may be easily convinced to just let such a bill pass - out of simple indifference. Most people are ignorant - not in the sense that they're stupid, they just don't know. They do't care, either. Let's say I like to collect semi-automatic weapons. A senator will say it's a "bullet-hose, a weapon of death suited only for a foriegn battlefields". It's no different than any other hunting rifle, it's just black and looks to the unknowing person like a machine gun. It's no deadlier than any hunting rifle. But, due to ignorance and indifference, people believe it is a rapid-fire machine gun that is inherently more deadly than anything that should be legally owned. In fact, most things considered "assault weapons" are of insuffecient power to be used reliably in hunting.

People just do not know. Politicians just do not care. They know that there's a good number of people that will look highly upon them if they are doing something that is percieved as doing "good". It may not do a single thing, other than piss off and harm a few, good people.

But it's not that it does any good - it's that it looks like they're doing good.

The majority of people that are irresponsible pet owners are, simply, IRRESPONSIBLE. You think they're going to care about the law?

I mean, a guy killed a bunch of cops in CA last month - with an illegal weapon. Didn't he know he was already breaking the law when he went to murder?!?!? Clearly, to the person who is intent on murder, a simple weapons violation isn't goig to stop them.

SImilarly, a person who wants a tiger/cobra/croc/retic, and is stupid enough to do so without proper brainpower(and funds - they're expensive to house), is also not goign to heed any laws stopping them.

It will make ME very upset, if I can't puchace a chameleon from the SC show, or a breeder in Florida. It's stupid.

The "problem" is that too many people don't say anything. If you're quiet, they do it. People get annoyed at the gun lobbies - but if they did nothing to pressure lawmakers, law-abiding people's rights would be suffering as a result of the faults of the criminals.

Unfortunatly, we dont' have a consolidated herp-lobby. I think National Reptile Assotiation would not go over well... Maybe NHA? Hehe.
Unfortunatly, we dont' have a consolidated herp-lobby. I think National Reptile Assotiation would not go over well... Maybe NHA? Hehe.

Are you kidding? you mean there really isnt one? Thats a bit of a shock! You are in the united states? I thought the reptile trade was rather, ...'Free' over there, in that trading, exporting/importing, atleast within the country, was allowed?
Is this potention blockade of interstate trading due to whole 'Pythons in Florida Everglades' thing? Or just a kneejerk reaction to recent wild animal incidents, even if they weren't reptiles?
This is not considered in my country, with the notable exception of 2 states, free trading is allowed albeit with much paperwork.
Goodluck getting it overturned People.
The big problem, in my opinion, is the type of government that people vote for. We now have a large percentage of people voting for people that promise to "give" them things. These people are more and more dependant on their government, and are willing to sit idly by as it goes about its business - because they want to trust that the government has their best interests in mind.

they dont' care what it does, as long as it doesnt' negativly affect them.

People should not allow it to go out of control. The voters dont' think far ahead - they vote people in that want to do this and that for them, and want them to fix this and that - but what they're doing is opening the door for more and more government "stuff". Stuff, that, down the road, even they will not like.

A little reptile ban here, a "potentially dangerous" animal ban here.... pretty soon, the presidence is set, and it opens the door for more and more oppressive bans. Government do not tend to relinquish power, and it does not tend to sit still. All it's going to do is get worse once a presidence is set.

I do not know where this ban came from, but I can guess a likely path:
Animal rights groups (PETA, HSUS) want to ban ALL pet ownership, and kill all domestic animals (This is their goal). To meet such a goal, they have to start somewhere. Reptiles, being a sub-culture, alternative "thing", feared by many (and easy to peddle to the masses as a result) are a first step.

Birds, and exotic animals are to follow, as well as dangerous dogs. We'll see more feral cat/dog laws (which should be in place anyway). They'll never get to an outright ban on animals, ever, but the closer they feel they're getting, the better for them.

These people pressure government agencies, regulatory agencies, mases of ignorant people, etc. to pass such bills for alternative reasons - "potentially dangerous animals", "exotic diseases, invasive species, threats to the very balance of nature as we kow it... They'll get the USFWS to back them on certain things, they'll get environmental groups to back them.

In the end, it'll be that a few reptile owners are not worth "the sanctity of our natural ecosystems."

It's BS, but it doesnt' matter to them.
just send your congressman a E-mail/ Call/ Write him. We can, and will be heard. tell him your disgust with the bill, and also add if he votes yes for it you will vote NO for him! if enough people do this we can make a difference!!!!
If I wasn't half asleep I'd read the long posts - I will tomorrow, but I'm trying to understand - is this real? Will chameleons and geckos and the like be affected?

I've seen this on about 3 forums I post on.
I posted something about PIJAC. This is an organization that fights bills like this. Why was it deleted? Did anyone even get a chance to read it?

I would be very interested to know which moderator thought it was inappropriate for fighting this bill.


Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council
The Pet Industry's Unified Voice
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I posted something about PIJAC. This is an organization that fights bills like this. Why was it deleted? Did anyone even get a chance to read it?

I would be very interested to know which moderator thought it was inappropriate for fighting this bill.


Pet Industry Joint Advisory Council
The Pet Industry's Unified Voice


Anyone supporting a bill like this who has an 'interest' in reptiles is... well.... I don't wanna go there but I can't imagine a mod thinking this is right:rolleyes::mad:.
This bill would easily put a person who breeds chameleons in federal prison for a year or two per animal. There's no way chameleons would make it to the approved list.
PIJAC claims on its site the bill is being pushed hard by The Nature Conservancy and The Humane Society. Beyond hoping someone can stop it, make sure you don't support those organizations if you value your rights.
So if this bill passes, we won't even be allowed to KEEP Chameleons in nonnative states?
No, I dont' think so. I do think that it's so poorly thought out, that it is vague enough to do anything. the idea is to stop interstate trade and importation. Without interstate trade, the hobby is greatly damaged. Without importation, it is hurt more int he long term.
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