Strange bumps/lumps on my 4 year Panther Chameleon

Hi, my 4 year old Panther Chameleon ‘Vinci’ who just went through a shed has 3 lumps/bumps on his spine and side. I have owned several Chams before and never had this happen. Thank you in advance for any advice!
happenhappen.tth Thankhapp


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Papilloma is a relatively harmless, yet spreadable warty growth. Your vet can take a biopsy to determine if that’s what those are. Unfortunately, there is no treatment other than removing them and there is a good chance that they’ll grow back. Those are some pretty big lumps though and while papillomas can indeed grow large, I wonder if there’s more going on there. Do let us know what the vet finds. :)
Papilloma is a relatively harmless, yet spreadable warty growth. Your vet can take a biopsy to determine if that’s what those are. Unfortunately, there is no treatment other than removing them and there is a good chance that they’ll grow back. Those are some pretty big lumps though and while papillomas can indeed grow large, I wonder if there’s more going on there. Do let us know what the vet finds. :)
Thank you! I have never experienced this! He is eating well, has a mister, large vertical ventilated enclosure, and full spectrum lights. I have successfully had Chameleon’s before. I do notice though he is drinking lots of water, which also surprises me, he loves hornworms which are hydrating. He loves his crickets, I always gut load them. He does not like Dubai roaches or mealworms, he did like silkworms for a while ( I even raised these) but now no. We shall see what the vet says!! Frustrating!! Thank you for caring😊
Thank you! I have never experienced this! He is eating well, has a mister, large vertical ventilated enclosure, and full spectrum lights. I have successfully had Chameleon’s before. I do notice though he is drinking lots of water, which also surprises me, he loves hornworms which are hydrating. He loves his crickets, I always gut load them. He does not like Dubai roaches or mealworms, he did like silkworms for a while ( I even raised these) but now no. We shall see what the vet says!! Frustrating!! Thank you for caring😊
Since you’re already going to the vet, you might want to take a fresh poo for a parasite check. Often drinking lots and picky or changing appetites can be from a parasite.
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