strange chameleon


Retired Moderator
I saw in one book, i forgot the title, there is a photograph of a wild furcifer pardalis that has the weirdest coloration ever. The book only says Panther and did not mentioned where they find it.

He is completely white with dashes of red dots.
He is so gorgeous!
Kinda like oorana mena but instead of blue, it's white.

Anybody has ever seen it or have a picture of it?
Anybody know what locale is it?
I just saw this on a website the other night. I'll try and relocate it. It said it was from and island and that this was the most undesireable locale and not much wanted in the pet trade. If I find it, I will post a link. David
ahhh that must be it..
although the one that i see doesn't have red barrings
just red rain dots..
thanks Dectr6.
Can you believe these are out there and they think there's not a market for them? David Have you ever heard of that locale before?
they're pretty too in my opinion.
anybody selling it here in US?
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