

Avid Member
how much is too much?? Stanley has just recently decided he likes strawberries but i don't want to over feed them....
is there a limit, either daily, weekly or whatever??

i've offered him several slices 2 days in a row and he seems to really like them, i just don't want to give him more than is OK..
he's a 5.5ish month old veiled..

thanks,, lisa
I offer mine fruits and or veggies once a week. You could probably do twice a week without problems. Too much fruit might give him runny poop.
I offer mine fruits and or veggies once a week. You could probably do twice a week without problems. Too much fruit might give him runny poop.

thanks Jann!!

Stanley ,,, did you hear your "Grandcham", no more that twice a week!!!! ;)
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