Sudden Increase in Appetite


New Member
Hi All,

My male veiled cham about 9 months old always used to eat about 4 - 8 3/4 crix a day, but the last few weeks he is consistently eating about 12 a day.

He is currently shedding. Is this normal? Or should I be worried? :confused:

As far as I have read, he should be slowing down on eating not increasing.

I inspected his fecal matter and there were small oval shaped opac (semi see through) pieces in it - is this normal

Thanks in advance.
Not sure what the ovals are but I wouldn't be worried about the food intake. You may want to have a fecal check to find out what those are. Parasites could result in a food icrease or decrease. Both my chams go through varying degrees. You should just be able to take a fresh fecal sample to your vet. Even a dog and cat vet can usually do a good job on a fecal float. Mine charges $15. Good luck. David
To be honest I don't really know about the opac stuff but my chams appetite is almost always changing. They would go from eating a ton to eating almost nothing for a day or 2. what I have been told about over feeding is that it is mostly a problem with Females only due to over egg production. Males I think can eat as much as possible as long as all the food is being digested. So make sure that there are no undigested bugs or bug parts in his poop.
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