sun vs glo


New Member
If I have a large cage with a baby veiled, and the tank is pretty dense mesh. (Apogee) should I use a reptiglo 10 or a reptisun 5? I'm a little confused
The 10.0 may be a little intense for a baby veild. I would go with the 5.0 reptisun. Most of us use the tube style bulbs.
Those two are about the same, last time I checked a UVB comparison chart! The reptiGLO are pretty weak, I only use the Suns. How big is the cage? If it's one of those with the dark mesh and a pretty big cage, I think you could get away with a Sun 10.0 safely.
Those two are about the same, last time I checked a UVB comparison chart! The reptiGLO are pretty weak, I only use the Suns. How big is the cage? If it's one of those with the dark mesh and a pretty big cage, I think you could get away with a Sun 10.0 safely.

lol. I guess great minds don't think alike! But you are probably right with the mesh and all. I just wasn't sure if it would be strong on a baby's eyes.
lol. I guess great minds don't think alike! But you are probably right with the mesh and all. I just wasn't sure if it would be strong on a baby's eyes.

Usually I would agree with you ;) But he said it was one of those reptarium cages with the thick, black netting and that it was large, so I think that a 10 would be safe. Those cages are notorious for blocking a really significant amount of UVB! In a well planted cage I don't think it would be dangerous for a baby.
The tank seems huge for a baby honestly lol. But I got a good deal on it. 30$ with a light fixture. He doesn't seem to have a problem catching his food or hunting in it tho so I'm not worried. The cage is 2'4" tall 1'5" deep and 2'6" wide, and it is indeed really dense black mesh. I suppose its not all that big but its very wide. I just want to make sure he gets enough uvb, and there seems to be a lot of argument on the is indeed well planted... Or it will be in a day or so I need to re repot some of his plants before I put them in.didn't get organic soil, just pesticide free.oops
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