super worms still not morphing


New Member
ok i dont know if im doing something wrong i got a bunch of super worms of canadian silk and i fed em for a week then picked out the biggest ones i could abvout 15 of them.... seperated them in small containers..... like a nut/bold holder... 1 per slot with nothing to eat they have been in there for 3 weeks now and still no beetles...... am i missing some thing... any one have good tips on breading super worms......... would be great.... ....damn worms and there superness.
I separated some around the same time as you (10th March I think) and only 2 have curled up in the 'c' shape and the rest are still crawling around. I think they take quite a while to pupate though. I think there's a thread on here somewhere - I'll see if I can find it. Don't think its the one I'm thinking of but its got some good info.
It takes time. I think temp and humidity and food causes variation in hw much time. If they're well fed, they'll take longer, I assume.

If you just keep them eating, and comfortable, they'll pupate eventually. They live a long time, os it does take months. They get HUGE if you just do that. I've had severalwell over 3" long, and two of them that I found were closer to 4".

I had a cage over a laying bin (trash bin filled with dirt). Some of the superworms fell into the dirt. Stacked anothe trash bin on top of it when I was done. It was kinda cool, and dark and humid in there - and it sat for months and months. When I cleaned it out, I found dozen s of superworms, and a dozen or so beetles. The superworms were MASSIVE.
oh maybe i mis read the sheet about breeding them..... do you leave dirt with them... i thought it was just seperate them in like small dish things with nothing...hmmmm...... im going to keep looking for ways..... hope fully some one will have the answers....common worm god.
I separate them as this encourages them to pupate. As does lack of food and darkness. It takes a while. Be patient! Everything about breeding superworms takes time. But once its going, its great!
I put mine into separate containers on Mar 6th, they are now almost fully formed beetles. About half are still white but have the correct shape, the other half are ranging in colour from beige to light brown.

Did you keep them in the dark for those 3 weeks?
Even though they are big they might be does take time. It takes weeks or even a month separated out. I do have better luck and get less dying off if I put some oats or bran in their individual containers.
Mine took over a month to morph, now beatles all over the place, they are confusing to watch, they all huddle on top of each other, seems I am having a hard time keeping moisture in for them, they seem to want a drink all the time.
I don't know about super worms but i had meal worms that morphed. All I did was give them food and water and they just started pupating. Now the beetles are mating.
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