Hello all, so about a month ago i got 500 super worms and they are doing great. i just have a few questions.
1. They can live off of cricket crack and water crystals correct? (thats what ive been giving them)
2. i can seperate 1 or 2 fully grown ones to have them become beetles for breading?
3. (my cham is 6 months old) i have fed him supers that are a little big for him and he has had no problems eating or swallowing them, he grabs them by the head and everything, i now have about 400 fully grown worms left and was wondering when i should be able to feed him those.
4. is 4-5 inches of oats in a 2 foot long plastic tub enough for 400 worms?
5. if i do breed them do y'all have any tips?
thank you for your responses, just trying to do the best i can for my cham. Also since horn worms grow super fast, if i were to order some now as babies how long would i have to feed them to my cham, or should i just wait until he is older to feed him hornworms, when he can eat fully grown ones.
1. They can live off of cricket crack and water crystals correct? (thats what ive been giving them)
2. i can seperate 1 or 2 fully grown ones to have them become beetles for breading?
3. (my cham is 6 months old) i have fed him supers that are a little big for him and he has had no problems eating or swallowing them, he grabs them by the head and everything, i now have about 400 fully grown worms left and was wondering when i should be able to feed him those.
4. is 4-5 inches of oats in a 2 foot long plastic tub enough for 400 worms?
5. if i do breed them do y'all have any tips?
thank you for your responses, just trying to do the best i can for my cham. Also since horn worms grow super fast, if i were to order some now as babies how long would i have to feed them to my cham, or should i just wait until he is older to feed him hornworms, when he can eat fully grown ones.