Super Worms


Hello all, so about a month ago i got 500 super worms and they are doing great. i just have a few questions.
1. They can live off of cricket crack and water crystals correct? (thats what ive been giving them)
2. i can seperate 1 or 2 fully grown ones to have them become beetles for breading?
3. (my cham is 6 months old) i have fed him supers that are a little big for him and he has had no problems eating or swallowing them, he grabs them by the head and everything, i now have about 400 fully grown worms left and was wondering when i should be able to feed him those.
4. is 4-5 inches of oats in a 2 foot long plastic tub enough for 400 worms?
5. if i do breed them do y'all have any tips?

thank you for your responses, just trying to do the best i can for my cham. Also since horn worms grow super fast, if i were to order some now as babies how long would i have to feed them to my cham, or should i just wait until he is older to feed him hornworms, when he can eat fully grown ones.
For #1 I am not sure but would say yes. I feed mine greens and carrots and apple once and a while.
For #2 If you wanted to start breeding I would start with at least a dozen. You never know if the worms are male or female and if you only pupate two you might end up with two males or two females.
#3 I am not 100% sure.
#4 I would think so.
#5 I just started trying to breed them myself and have no tips other then look on youtube to see what others are doing.
I have been raising superworms for several years. To get adult beetles, collect a couple dozen full grown larvae, and put them in separate containers, like pill boxes or something. The larvae will quit eating, and form a C shape. Then they will shed their skins and become pupae. Adults will emerge from the pupal stage. Put the adults in a large plastic storage box. The media that works best for me is peat moss and wheat bran. Wheat bran can be found at animal feed stores or can be ordered from organic food outlets. Media moisture is critical, if it is to wet, it wild mold. It will take several months to get more worms that are big enough to feed. Let me know if you have more questions. Expect some failures before success.
1. Yes, they dont need water crystals. Drop in some fresh fruit or veggies once in awhile though. Water crystals are horrible, they have killed many chams dont use them for any bug!
2. Like vigil said, start with more than 2, and no you cant do that with babys.
3. They can eat worms that are bigger than the Head Rule, as they can collapse in half. give it to him, he will eat them if he can.
4. Ya plenty, they are sociable insects.
5. Its pretty basic not really any tips needed, plus I just started as well.

Now, on to a personal statement. 100 super worms is a lot to be gone in a month, is that the only thing you are feeding. He needs a variety, feeding only super worms is not going to work.
No, I have been feeding him crickets and dubia roaches, mainly crickets, I've had my cham for about 3 months and I've been feeding him the worms since I got him. I had to order more worms after I had him for about a month. So I went through 100 worms in about 2 months.
Thanks for the advice on the water crystals I just put in some collard greens and sweet potato in with my worms yesterday, and will start giving those to all my bugs instead of water crystals.
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