Super Worms


Avid Member
I fed Jasper his first super worm today and he seemed like he liked it but it took him a long time to get it down and once he did he turned almost black:eek: I watched him for the next 10 minutes and he slowly started to drink and be normal but it scared me. Is this normal?
How big was the worm and how big is Jasper now? The feeders should be no bigger than the space between their eyes.
Jasper is 3.5 months and the super was small I picked the smallest one. It was a little longer than his crickets. Does that mean it was to big?

When you say no bigger than the space between the eyes. Does that mean length from nose to bum or width side to side?
space between their eyes. crossing their fat pad. if he's 3.5 months old it wouldnt be any longer than a 1/4 - 2/5 inch cricket... i would think so atleast...?

hehehe superworms can be quite the addicting food item to some chameleons... watch out! he might just start to like the superworms more than you! :p

post some pictures of ur cute little guy please! :)
Oh he is sleeping looking very pretty.... I will post some more pictures when i get a better camara my phones camara is to lame for a chameleon... You use your phone camaras to send pics of kids to grandma but not to post pics of a cham =]
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