Supers Again...


New Member
Ok Im getting quite a few beetles now, I still have raw carrot & raw sweet potatoe (wet side up) ontop the media.

What am I supposed to be providing for egglaying? What foods do I give the beetles? greens?
Joe i have pieces of egg crates in with mine for them to lay in/on. Mine are still on the bran & oatmeal substrate. Thet have potatoes which stay in with them(I mean the same pieces of potatos are left in place). I give them only small amounts of greens to eat. That would be pretty much the same thing what I am feeding my crickets. Glad to hear your worms to be are finally taking off.
They will lay eggs anywhere. In the substrate, on egg carton, sides of the box, whatever. Dont throw anything away.

They will eat some of the substrate if you use bran, oats, etc. Fruit, Veg, sometimes dead crickets... essentially much like the larva.
Dont give up it sometimes takes a long wile before you see your first worms. They are extremely tiny to and take a little wile to gain some length. Some times you can catch the beetles loin the dirty. Other times if your lucky you can see the female laying her eggs.

from my understanding once you get beetles its a good idea to put them on media that you would keep the worms in.... let the beetles do their thing.... then they'll lay all over... in a month or so you'll see little worms. I have not grown supers before.... but to keep them I use wheat bran.
Thanks Folks! :)
What if the veg go mouldy though? will it ruin the lot? Should I put the veg in a tray ontop so it dosent effect the media?
Just remove it before it goes moldy. And ideally it won't, it should dry out instead of mold over. If it molds then your humidity in the worm bin is too high.

Not having may have a hard time with this.
Ideally, you will not add more wet food than is needed and will removed unused bits quickly before going moldy. For beetles and big larva, You can put the fruit on a small shallow tray or piece of wax paper if you have humidity problems and or things are going moldy very fast. For baby larva, its best to set the wet food direct on top of the dry medium. Just pay attention to ensure it doesnt get too damp. Mold and mites are disgusting and will potentially ruin a colony, or reduce production.
Thanks Folks! :)
What if the veg go mouldy though? will it ruin the lot? Should I put the veg in a tray ontop so it dosent effect the media?

Dont put a lot of food so it can get moldy. I stuck with carrots and they were just fine, they dried up and didn't even mold.

Thanks Clemonde, that seems to be happening now, no issues with mould anymore.
Beetles are all humming along, though I have no idea if they are mating or laying.
No die offs though, so all seems well so far.
Have two large tubs each with approx 40 pupae/beetles. Roughly how many worms can I eventually expect?

Do beetles eat each others worms/eggs? or can I let them live out there lifecycle in there provided I keep them well fed?

Also, somebody mentioned feeding beetles dead crickets, do the beetles need protein?
Yes, if there isnt enough moisture, the beetles will eat their larva. Larva will eat other larva.

I separate beetles from larva, and big larva from medium, medium from small.

I dont know if beetles need protein, but they'll take it. I give mine a small amount of cooked egg and the occassional dead cricket or stick insect, etc Mostly though they will eat the fruit and veg.
Thanks Clemonde, that seems to be happening now, no issues with mould anymore.
Beetles are all humming along, though I have no idea if they are mating or laying.
No die offs though, so all seems well so far.
Have two large tubs each with approx 40 pupae/beetles. Roughly how many worms can I eventually expect?

Do beetles eat each others worms/eggs? or can I let them live out there lifecycle in there provided I keep them well fed?

Also, somebody mentioned feeding beetles dead crickets, do the beetles need protein?

You can leave the beetles in with the eggs... it takes weeks for the eggs to 'hatch'. and maybe the beetles will lay more as the live the last of their days. :eek:
Thanks again folks! All seems well so far, but ofcourse I have no idea what eggs look like so I dont know if the beetles are chowing on them, but they do have plenty else to eat.
Fingers x'd! :)
Thanks Clemonde, that seems to be happening now, no issues with mould anymore.
Beetles are all humming along, though I have no idea if they are mating or laying.
No die offs though, so all seems well so far.
Have two large tubs each with approx 40 pupae/beetles. Roughly how many worms can I eventually expect?

Do beetles eat each others worms/eggs? or can I let them live out there lifecycle in there provided I keep them well fed?

Also, somebody mentioned feeding beetles dead crickets, do the beetles need protein?

Sorry for the late response. They are breeding for sure you just cant see them, after a wile you can catch them in the act once in a wile. It took me about a month or so to see them mating in beetle form. To answer your question, yes, they can and do eat each other if there is no or very little in there to hydrate them. I don't know off hand how many worms you will have but they are enough, just be ware it may take a wile to get them to desired size but once you get them going you will have plenty. I don't know about the protein I never used any type of protein for them and I was doing great, if your beetles are eating protein im sure your chams will get some of it to. I used oatmeal for bedding/substrate and carrots and sometimes potatoes for hydration.


EDIT: You wont see the eggs. I saw things that may have looked like eggs but they were tiny. I would have to say less than a quarter of the size of a silkworm egg.
Thanks for the reply Clea, Ill keep up the greens and the carrots for moisture and hope for the best I suppose!
cheers :)
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