superworm question


Established Member
i just picked up some superworms from my local pet store do you have to dust and gutload them just like crickets?
A light dusting wouldn't hurt but no you don't have to dust them. They're not like crickets, they don't have high phosphate and low calcium levels.

You should gut load every thing you feed your cham.
Dusting superworms (unless freshly moulted) is damn near impossible, the shell is smooth like teflon. Sometimes I mist lightly in a bucket so some dust sticks, then give a shake to remove excess. :)
If you use the zoo med calcium..... it works out. ya just can't handle them or you wipe off the dust.....

I put some into a dish, dust...then swirl the worms around in the dust and hold the dish under the cham I plan to feed.
Yes, do gutload. Dusting is optional -kinda depends what else you are feeding and dusting that week. I dust superworms about half the time I use them. And like Summoner, I do this by swirling/shaking them around in a dish of calcium, then handle as little as possible when transferring to the chameleons cage
I set the worms in a small dish, grab my tweezers, pinch a bit of cal and sprinkle the calcium on... Maybe I'll make a video!


i just picked up some superworms from my local pet store do you have to dust and gutload them just like crickets?

My Jackson will not even look at Superworms, He is almost afraid of them.I was thinking of trying some wax worms to mix up his diet.
My Jackson will not even look at Superworms, He is almost afraid of them.I was thinking of trying some wax worms to mix up his diet.

Instead of waxworms, try butterworms, silkworms, hornworms, cabbage loppers, flies, moths, roaches... pretty much anything else, as Wax worms are essentially little lumps of fat, no value.
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