Superworms and feeding questions


New Member
Hey everyone! I was wondering a few things about superworms and feeding. Here's a list:
1. What's the best way for me to give my chameleon food in the morning and go off to do stuff?
2. How many superworms should I give him in the morning?
3. Is it fine for him to get all his food in the morning
4. What's the best way to transfer crickets to a cage?

Thanks all!

Welcome to the site. I do not use supers as a staple feeder; however, some do. If you do, make sure they are gut loaded well.

In response to your questions:

1. If I'm going to work early, I will usually put them in a feeder cup that's suspended on the wall of the enclosure. Lucky goes right over and picks them off.

2. Usually, I'll feed supers as treats, one or two by hand. Lucky's feeding schedule is every other day with gut loaded staples like crickets and dubia. He also gets a hornworm and/or BSFL when I have them. Keep in mind that Lucky is well over a year old. If your cham is under a year, everyday feedings should be offered.

3. Yes, preferred so that he has basking/digesting time all day before lights out. There is some debate, but this is what I do.

4. With crickets, I'll put them in his enclosure with a tube. I put the tube in the cricket bin and let the crickets crawl in the tube. Then, I pick it up and shake it in his enclosure. Crickets come out and climb the walls for Lucky's hunting time.

This is my method of madness. Others may do things differently. It's working for me now, but things change. I'm always open to new and innovative ways to give Lucky the best care possible. This is the place to find that care.

The site has a "library" of information on cham care and keeping here. Read, read and read some more. I think you'll find yourself logging in daily. There's so much to explore. Again, welcome to the site.
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