Superworms and young chameleons?

chameleon guy

New Member
I know size of the super worms matter but does the age of the chameleon matter? I mean if the chameleon is big enough to eat them(baby supers) can they be used as a staple?
Personally I start off with supers when my chams( panther and veiled ) turn around 5-6months old. I perfer crickets because its easy for me to get a hold of. If I run out of crickets I can go to my local pet stores and get some. As for Supers I like to use these guys as treats.. Others here may use supers as staples though.

My cham once went on a hungry strikes and would only eat supers..
I have never seen baby super before.............I have a tub of like 2 inch long supers that is all I can ever find......:confused:
OHHHH..........Maybe I could do that with all these supers I have. I bought 50 right before Ester was stolen and the baby chams I have are wayyyyyyyy to small to eat these giant supers.......:rolleyes:

it's taking flippin forever!:mad: I Only have one beetle so far. Meanwhile my meal worms are all pupae and beetles.
I wouldnt use them as a staple, variety is important.
The age of the animal isn't a concern, given its healthy and has access to sufficent hydration and basking opportunities.
Just be sure the worms are of appropriate size, and be conservative in your judgement of how many to feed at once.
I begin using supers and as many other feeders as possible as soon as possible. However, in my opinion, there shouldnt be a "staple" - variety variety variety
Oh yeah I know. I am trying to breed a bunch of insects before I get another cham. Let's see, I have already bred meal worms(just to feed occasionally), super worm breeding in the process, crickets, gonna get a starter dubia colony,wax worms(as desserts),I have easy access to phoenix worms, and there is a forest preserve near by so I can catch other insects. Does all of this sound okay?
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