Superworms, bsfl's & blue bottle fly spikes


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Thought I'd try out a sponsor - @joshsfrogs - and chose a variety to see what our reptiles might like. I have had so many other things to learn about when I first took Ophelia home, I really just depended on the basics for food: crickets and dubia. A while ago, I added in BSFL's and all creatures love them, so they have become a staple, as well. Once in awhile, we get a container of blue horned worms and they are also a hit with everyone.

I received a nice package of feeders yesterday from Josh's Frogs - superworms, bsfl's & blue bottle fly spikes.

Juvenile beardies ate the large, juicy, scary-looking superworms. I put some carrots into the superworm container and those things went NUTS over the carrot pieces. Fascinating to watch. Ophelia took a hard pass haha but she has turned up her beautiful nose at all new things when first presented to her, but usually comes around. So we'll see. Josh's bsfl's are gorgeous, plump, juicy and very active. I'm very happy with them! I really don't know what the heck blue bottle fly spikes are. I opened the container, shuddered, and put the lid back. I'll try again later. Josh's care sheets that came with the order were very helpful - you can get the info on their webpage, but I broke out the glue sticks and put them in my O Journal for quick reference (right next to all the pictures of poop. Dated. I'm weird).
Keep bottle fly spikes in fridge, take a few out at a time, put them in a container with a hole in the side, add some bee pollen and/or honey. Set in cham cage. Give it a few days or week and they should pupate, turn into flies, eat some gutload you left in there, and make their way out through the whole(about pencil width) and into your cham's cage.
Nice! Thank you @jamest0o0 for that info! I was wondering.

So, how long will they last in the fridge? I have bee pollen ordered and should be here soon, so that will work out! I read on Josh's page that the fly of the spikes are loved by chams, so you answered my question before asking it - ur awesome! If I put honey in the container should i separate the spikes and the honey so they don't mix in the container waiting to turn into flies? or is the honey for the spikes? i'm confusing myself lolol this happens when I get excited sorry!
I've had my spikes in the fridge for a couple weeks now. I'll take like 10 or so out at a time and put them in the cup with the honey and pollen. When they turn into flies the flies will eat some of it before taking off. My cham loves these things even at his pickiest!
Love it, thank you. So the spikes can sit in the honey until they turn... or will they drown? Not that I'm going to have a bunch of honey in there, but ...
So this is what they look like @jamest0o0 ... what stage are they in? The dead stage? Lol


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It was probably too hot during delivery because this is how they all showed up. 250 yikes :eek:

I swear... ya wanna try something new :LOL: and the bee pollen didn't arrive, so just honey... Well, here goes nothin


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We are always battling ants. It's a common problem in SoCal esp. when the weather heats up. The ones at my house are tiny guys and normally I co-exist with them unless they come out enforce... like they did for the BBF's.
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