Superworms Escaped!!


New Member
Soooooooooooooo I forgot to put the cover on the super worms aaaand the next morning I brought my stuff into the bathroom to shower, I keep my towel on a chair it lies a bit on the floor. Welllllll I got out of the shower and two superworms were burying into my towel. It was disgusting!!! NEVER forgetting to put that cover on again!
I have to admit I laughed more than I should have here.

They missed you so they tried to find you in your towel, to no avail. :p
Having read this, I'm starting to rethink the "open container for the mealworms" idea... I find they are less of a smack in the face smell-wise when the lid is open as opposed to closed...

I do admit it was funny to read though! Did they all escape, or just a couple? I'm lucky I have 3 cats that hunt anything that escapes :D
I keep mine outdoor so any escapes will be others' treats, when I say others I meant antz, wild geckos, or any other wild nocturnal animals lol.
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