

New Member
Hey, Zap's is afraid to eat a superworm and is their anyway for him to at least try it? Thanks.:D
Maybe try hand feeding or cup feeding some smaller ones first. Huge supers might look a bit intimidating to a small lizard. :)
Unless you can find really small supers, they are probably all gonna be too big for him yet. I just got a new tub of supers and there are a good few smaller ones in there. Chams go mad for the newly moulted white ones! Amy didn't have any supers until she was around 5 months old, then I only gave her the smallest ones I had.
I have a 3.5 month old panther I got him to eat superworms up to 3/4 inch long by setting them on the screen so they crawled up toward him.
I would not worry if he isnt eating superworms yet. If my chams eat these they suddenly quit eating everything else and only want superworms. I feed them superworms once a week, then skip a day of feeding so they do not become addicted to supers. Take care.
My local petstore sells small and medium supers along with the huge I would just try to find some of those. My panther is closing in on 5 months and loves the smaller ones when I offer them, although I think he would eat anything if I offered it by hand, haha.
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