Supplement pls help me

Chameleons Lover

New Member
HI all people i been posting threads with my questions if i dont find its answer in the search but no one answers me on these threads and iam new here so bear with me

ok i just got an advise from some one said that if i dont find the calcium i can crush human calcium tablets and give it to the chameleon please answer me and tell me
I don't see why that wouldn't work..If you can't find reptile calcium I would think human calcium would be the same. But, I don't know for sure.
You will want to very finely powder the calcium tablets (crushing would be too chuncky to dust feeders with).

It would be a lot easier to just order the powders on line, if you cant find something locally.
where are you from? I see your location but do not know where that is? Can you order from the states? They sell it on line.
ARE you all sure because i dont want my chameleon to be sick

and which kind there is many many human calcium and i live in (United Arab Emirates)

but i need to know the Concentration of the calcium and thank you all
brand doesnt matter. Look for phosphorous-free Calcium Carbonate
calicum carbonate supplements made for humans are perfectly safe for reptiles

In terms of concentration, you just want to lightly dust the prey insects with it. It also depends somewhat on what insects you are using and what those insects eat
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my response probably has nothing to do with reptiles..

but in keeping fish, if your fish is injured you buy antibiotics for $12.99 in a pet store.. .. however, it is the same as a prescription drug that we often use (forgot the name) which costs only $5 copay.. I was told to just snip off a piece and dunk it a lot of $ :D
I'll second the coffee grinder. Fill it with calcium tablets and it will powder them quickly for you.

To give to the lizard, put a little in the bottom of a plastic cup, put your insects in the cup, and swirl the cup gently and so they turn white from the powder sticking to them.
sandra chameleon whats the quantity to put and can you tell me what are the other supp. i will need and can you tell the schedule

Im not sure whay you mean by quantity. What I do is put about a table spoon (15ml) of calcium (fine powder) into a tall palstic container. I then put the crickets into the container. swirl/shake the container gently once or twice, or just let them walk around in it for a few minutes. This gets the calcium lightly dusted onto the crickets (they shouldnt be white like ghosts, just lightly coated - yo can gently blow off any excess). Then I give those crickets to the chameleons. note that if the chameleons dont eat the crickets within an hour or so, the calcium will start to be lost.

You may find the information within this blog entry about supplementing informative

Remember that gutloading is key - supplementing with vitamins and minerals is "supplementary" to using a variety of well gutloaded prey
Im not sure whay you mean by quantity. What I do is put about a table spoon (15ml) of calcium (fine powder) into a tall palstic container. I then put the crickets into the container. swirl/shake the container gently once or twice, or just let them walk around in it for a few minutes. This gets the calcium lightly dusted onto the crickets (they shouldnt be white like ghosts, just lightly coated - yo can gently blow off any excess). Then I give those crickets to the chameleons. note that if the chameleons dont eat the crickets within an hour or so, the calcium will start to be lost.

You may find the information within this blog entry about supplementing informative

Remember that gutloading is key - supplementing with vitamins and minerals is "supplementary" to using a variety of well gutloaded prey

OK i will use that way but the problem is the schedule can you give me your usual schedule and thank you
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