Supplementation for 2 month old xanth


Chameleon Enthusiast
Hi all, I'm new here, I have 3 day geckos, 20 dart frogs,boas and my beautiful panther chameleon. I have had him for 2 years now, he's big and healthy, I did and always do as much research as I can with all my animals.
My question is I recently bought two-( seperate vivs) xanth chams, they are quite small, on fruit flies, 2months maybe, I personally think they shouldn't of been for sale until they are more established and older but there you go.
I have miner-all from sticky tongues- I also have arcadia earth pro with no d3, as well as general multi vitamin powders etc , on the minerall pack it says dust food every day but this contains D3, obviously with the adult cham he has D3 far less often so i'm a bit scared about using it everyday , I read they are prone to gout?, I also gut load ( not the fruit flies of course) with organic grape leaves, plantain, collards, kale, squash flowers and leaves, bee pollen, turnip greens, alfalfa, kale, dandelion, hibiscus and everyone here has uv bulbs,
Does anyone have a supplementation regime - they could share for a 2 month old xanth? Would really help to get an idea of what people do.
Hello! I may not be much help, but I believe jpowell86 has had some experience with Xanths. Perhaps PM him? Good luck and keep up the good work!
Hi Birthnugget, Just wanted to thank you for kindly telling me about Joel, I'm so grateful you did and he has been so much help it's not true. Many thanks Tabitha
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