Supplementing Babies

I wanted to start a thread on supplying your baby chameleon with proper supplements.
I have been doing some research, and had a couple of thoughts.
I want to encourage people not to over supplement baby chameleons.
Babies consume up to 25 baby crickets a day, and I just want to make sure everyone with a baby dosent dust every feeder.
I think as a baby chameleon they would only require 1/3 of the feeders to be dusted.(with a proper gutload)
I'm currently taking care of my friends 1 month old male veiled, and noticed deposites around his nose.
I was only dusting half of his feeder with a thin coat of dust.
After only two day of cutting down his dusting the deposites around his nose are gone.
A good fact I found:

any additional thoughts would be appreciated.
I am researching everything I can about babies. Panthers to be exact. This really helps for I really try to give the best gutloaded crix as possible using and a variety of greens instead of relying on just dusting. I wouldnt think we could live of say centrum for a healthy good life so I really push the gutload. Any way thanks for that link and your avatar pick is kick ass.
Yea, I'm doing the same thing.
I have a couple of notebooks that I print off threads and put them inside.
Right now I think I have about 5(lighting, water,feeders,babies,native habitat)
Thanks for the kudos on the avatar!
Have you seen the diy page at screameleons. It has a part on how to build your own little housing out of milk jugs. I thought it was cool and should work good. I will be doing this if I dont get my custom multi enclosure set up built before they hopefully hatch.
I hear you on the long part. I live in Maryland and I am an irrigation technician haha or an Inground sprinkler guy to be exact. I am laid off every winter due to temps but I will be back to work come march 15 so money is a little tight right now. This summer I am going to try and come up with some ideas for rain making and and drainage. we get our stuff from a supplier but you can get all that at lowes too its just a little cheaper made.

I am going to do the same with my set up for the babies I am going to make it so there part can detach from the grown ups so I can move them in and out if the temps arent perfect for them outside.
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